Chapter 3

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I feel really weak as I reach Daisy's front porch. I feel the urge to just leave but I fight against it and knock on the door "Daisy please get the door" I hear her mom shout.

"OK mom" She says before opening the door "Elly!!Come on in" she opens the door wider for me to get in and I mumble a little "Thanks" before walking in.

"Hey Mrs. King" I say as I walk into the living room, she is on the couch watching TV.

"Hey Elly, how are you and your mom?" She replies without looking away from the tv.

"We are good" I say turning back to Daisy "Daisy we really need to talk" I say half smiling.

"Is everything OK? I know you had a fight with Stacey, did you get hurt or something?" She looks very worried as she asks.

"No its not that Daisy. Can we go up to your room?"


We walk up the not so long but can't be regarded as short stairs. Daisy's father is a Medical Doctor so he isn't at home most times but he supplies the family with all the money they need. Her Mom is a complete house wife so she stays at home cleaning up every little mess and that's why their house is always sparkling clean.

Daisy is the first born and she has two younger brothers. Twins. Daniel and Dylan. They are identical in looks but complete opposites in character. Dylan is a sweetheart and doesn't talk most of the time,he is the shy type. Daniel, the complete opposite, very brave, curious and says things a six year old shouldn't know but don't get me wrong cause he is also a sweetheart.

We reach her room and sit on the bed facing one another "Uhmm.... something came up Daisy" I start.

"Should I be scared" she asks.

"Maybe a little"I respond. "The thing is my mom got pissed off after my fight with Stacey and she decided to send me "home" like she calls it". I continue "So by Thursday, I'll be on my way to Nigeria" I sit there waiting for her to respond to what I just said and her worried expression turns into something in the line of sadness. Great. Now I feel like a bad person. My mom really doesn't know what she's doing to me.

"What? Isn't that too much of a punishment??" She literally screams at me.

"That's the same thing I said but she didn't change her mind"

"And for how long will you be over there?" She says in a calmer tone.

"Just 2 years. It will come and go like nothing ever happened so I'll be back in no time" I say as I see her eyes widen and it looked so scary I thought it would fall off her face.

"2 whole years!! How the fuck am I supposed to survive alone with school and all other things? I mean you're my best friend damn it" She looks like she is about to cry "I won't be able to survive 2 whole years without you" She starts crying fully now and in less than a minute I start crying too.

"Daisy please don't make me feel bad, you know if I had a choice I wouldn't leave but I have no say in this at all, I'm really sorry. And remember you already have friends here, you have people you know over here and I think it'll be easy for you to live without me but for me, its a different story, I know no one except my aunt and cousin, I'll have to start my life all over again, but its just for two years, I'll keep you updated on everything that happens there alright? And I promise I won't replace-" she cuts me off by hugging me maybe a little too tight . I return the gesture by hugging her, maybe a little tighter. I'm really gonna miss her hugs.

We stayed like that for what felt like hours then she released me from the really tight hug and I did the same. We wiped our tears off before she spoke up "Babe, I don't care if you replace me cause I'm not just your best friend, I'm your sister so I know you'll never forget me but I also know you'll need a new best friend there just know I'm cool with it but you'll have to introduce her to me for approval" she says with a wink.

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