Chapter 12

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While they were clapping, I felt like a super star and after sometime, everyone went back to what they were doing but I knew some were still staring.

"Thanx Elly,for saving me. If it wasn't for you I'd have been under the sun by now" Debra said smiling at me.

"Don't mention. I caused it so i had to fix it" I said smiling back.

"That was really nice Elly, I've not seen anything like that since I got into this school, nice one" A guy with jet black colored hair spoke up. He didn't look like a Nigerian, yeah he is brown skinned but he kind of looked Asian. Rare... i know right. But he was really cute. I could even pick up some American accent from the way he spoke with broad voice and all.

Snap out of it Elly.

"Its nothing really, I just don't like bullies" I answered the dark Asian boy. "By the way... you look Asian and i think i can here an accent. Are you Nigerian?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Kind of, my mom is Asian and my Dad is Nigerian. They met at new York and decided to make me. I've been in Ney York all my life but dad decided to bring me over to Nigeria to school. He said and I quote,' you're too old to be behaving so sluggish. I'll move you to Nigeria so that you can be disciplined' ". He said smiling and showing off his dimples.   

"Wow... basically the same story. And how is Nigeria to you?"

"Its really nice, my classmates are the best and the family I live with treat me like a king" He said with a chuckle and I smiled back "how about you?"

"I've only been here for a week and I'm totally enjoying it, well apart from my cousin and her friends I guess everything has been okay. But to tell the truth, I think I'll actually have fun over here with all I've seen this past week and all the drama I hope I'll be participating in" I spoke honestly. Since I'm someone who attracts drama and all, I guess I'll enjoy this.

"Alright... we'll see" he said smiling a little "and can i get your number?" He asked bringing out his phone from his bag which was on his laps.

"yeah sure"

"Elly... lets go the principal has called for us" Ella said pulling me up from my seat.

"Hey calm down" I said giving her a 'what the heck is wrong with you can't you see i'm in the middle of a conversation' look and she released my arm. "sorry but i have to get going now. You can get my number from Debra... I don't think I got your name"

"Jason.. Jason Adebayo" He said stretching his hands towards me.

"I'm sure you already know my name" I said shaking his hand.

"Of course I do El" His smile is so contagious. And I think he just gave me a nickname of his. And now i was smiling like an excited kid on Christmas day. I then turned back and i was greeted with Ella's smiling face.

Since she looked like she wasn't planning on saying anything soon I spoke up "shall we?" urggh... must she make this even more embarrassing than it already is?

"Oh... yeah lets go" urrgghh this girl could be so annoying sometimes. Scratch that. Most times. "Hmm.. you see that my advices are always the best? Look at you. just the first day and you're already making me proud. firstly... you stood up to Ore. And now you already have a boyfriend. you get along pretty well dear sister!!!"

Since i was still angry at what she did earlier... i decided to ignore her.

"Don't tell me you're still angry with me for what i did back there! I'm really sorry Elly"

"Oh so now you're sorry.... why would you even do such a thing. You saw how she behaved to me when I was sitting with you guys and you didn't say anything. I let it go. Still she tried to punish me under this scotching sun and you supported her saying she was right and i was being rude to her. What the hell Ella? what. the. hell?? I snapped right there but she had it coming though.

"Look Elly... there is something behind all of this and if you let me I promise i'll tell you but can we please go to the principal's office first? She said she had something important to tell us and of course we don't want to get on her bad side since she loves the both of us already"

I sighed and then strolled over to the principal's office. as we were walking in silence i got to see a wider range of the school and it is very VERY big. if i was told that they hired a bunch of horticulturists to decorate the school with flowers i would believe it without a second thought. The school even looks more like a flower shop than a school building. after the very short walk (note sarcasm) we reached a door and Ella knocked on it.

"Come on in" A voice from inside - I'm assuming the principal hollered at us.

"Good day ma" Ella spoke up and I smiled at the woman.

"Have your seats. By the way... My name is Mrs Moshood"

"I called to let you girls know that from now hence forth... I will be your school guardian so if you're having any problems with any teacher - whether teaching or none teaching please let me know okay?"

"Why do we need a guardian in school though? And who assigned you??" It came out rude although I wasn't even trying to be rude. It actually sounds like a really good idea.... I mean.... if the principal be for us... who can be against us? I don't even know why I asked and sounded like an ungrateful spoilt brat. i then looked towards Ella and i saw her loking at me wide eyed. her eyes were literally saying 'shut the hell up' so I did as her eyes told me and kept quiet for the rest of the 'meeting' like Mrs Moshood had called it earlier. basically... she said if we needed anything we shouldn't hesitate to come over and if any teacher or student was harassing us in anyway she'd be glad to help. She then said I wasn't going to write the entrance exams since I looked like a 'model student' smart enough to get into the 'model school' and that i shouldn't let anyone know about it otherwise she would get into trouble with the school director.

After our very entertaining meeting (note the sarcasm) i went back to my friends and they talked about their usual holiday outings and that i was invited for the next one. I obviously told them that i'd come then 'Jason the handsome' volunteered to pick me up and I was like why not?. I just hope i'll have a great time and it wont be like the time I went out with Jem. Wow that feels like a very long time ago. We picked a date and time for the outing. Doyin- a cute smallish girl with cute small lips said and I quote 'we'll be going to the mall to watch a movie and we can just chillax after it since there is no other make sense place in Ilorin'. So yeah.. we are going to the mall. I so cannot wait.

Hello my people.. I'm really sorry for the late update but guess what............. drum roll................ since my phone is bad and my parents don't seem like their going to fix it anytime soon...... I downloaded Wattpad on my laptop and I can now use the laptop to write and i'm super joyous about this. But then I'm going back to school on Sunday. That is... to the hostel so i wont be able to update for a whole month but i promise that I'll try updating at least twice before i leave for school

By the way.... what do you guys feel about Ella's POV?
Bring the comments in so i can know if its anticipated or not. Merci Beaucoup..........

Before i forget sef..... I've been thinking about it and I already made a decision.... I want to learn Spanish. I love the way Cardi B sings it in literally all her songs and I've decided that I'll learn it no matter how hard everyone says it is.

And which would you prefer?
Cardi or Nicki??


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