Chapter 2

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"What the hell is this?" I yelled, it looked like little white stones and green stuff that's like slime. Like green slime. And some kind of chilli.

"This here is what we Nigerians call okra soup with stew. It may not look too appealing but it tastes good" My mom said. I started using a spoon to try putting it in my mouth but the alien wouldn't listen "That's not how it works Elly, there is some Eba in the microwave, they will go perfectly well together"

"What's an Eba?" I ask in horror and my darling mother replies me by rolling her eyes. Great. Just great.

I reach for the microwave and bring out a semi solid kind of thing wrapped in nylon and I drop it on the table.

Mom picked it up and used her hands to cut it into two."I know you won't be able to finish one wrap so I'm going to reduce it for you"

Then I watch her as she uses her hand to cut the Eba and she dips it into the green slime looking stuff and sends it right into her mouth. "Eww mom that's disgusting" I said scrunching my nose.

"Don't be like that sweetheart. Look, that's how we eat over there. It may look disgusting like you said earlier but it really is nice, just try it" She said pointing at the so called food and smiling at me.

"I'm doing this only because I love you mom" I say as I dip my fingers into the Eba and use it to swipe a little of the soup. Once it enters my mouth I feel the urge to puke it back out. So I do and I go over to the sink and rinse my mouth. "Mom! You said it was going to be nice"

"Alright I admit it. It isn't as good as its supposed to be but that's not cause it ain't good, its really good but i guess I've forgotten how to make it"

"I hope its just that otherwise I wouldn't be able to survive in Nigeria"


Bang    Bang    Bang    Bang    Bang    Bang    Bang

And that's the sound I wake up to at 12 o'clock in the morning (most people call it noon but I prefer to call it morning cause its supposed to be a morning. Who ever named it noon must have had a bad morning or something).

Bang   Bang    Bang    Bang     Bang

Okay what the hell is that?? I rush downstairs in search of my mom "Mom! Mom!" And I see her pounding something just by the door in the kitchen that leads out of the house "What are you doing??"I ask

"Hey sweetheart, Good morning to you too" She replied.

"Good morning mom" I say as I try looking into the mortar "What are you doing??!"

"I'm cooking and I know you will love this one" she says with a very bright smile.

"Seriously mom!!? Another Nigerian food, I don't think I'll like it"I say honestly. I'm actually scared to eat it.

"Trust me on this one sweetheart, you'll love it" she says showcasing all her very white teeth.

"And what's it called?"

"Its called Egusi soup with pounded yam and roasted chicken" she said wiping off some sweat from her forehead.

"Interesting, so that is yam you're pounding?" I ask in amusement.

"Yhp" she said popping the p.

"Alright, well I'm off for a walk and I think I'm gonna go visit Daisy to let her know I'm leaving. I may take a while OK?" I said frowning a little

"OK sweetheart, don't be too late though" I'm sure I caught a glimpse of sadness in her brown eye with a little doubt.

Was she sad about me going or maybe regretting it??

Anyways, I know this is gonna be a long day for me cause I'm going to be crying a lot with my bestie, Daisy. She honestly is the best friend I could ever wish for, but now I'm leaving her. I really can't imagine how my life will be without her. And I don't think I'll survive.


Alright guys, please don't forget to vote. Thank you so much I'm really tired and I need to sleep so I'm not going to editting this, there will surely be mistakes in it but you'll have to just live with it.


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