Chapter 29 Rehabilitation

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"She's waking up!!" I hear someone say. Everything looks surreal. My head is pounding with a headache.

"What happened?" I ask as I sit up and examine my surrounding. I'm on the field, where the yellow house members have been all day. Plenty yellow house members are gathered around me.

"You fainted after running, so we brought you here to see if we can wake you up" Folake says staring at me with her bulgy eyes. Memories of today start rushing into my head

"Did I win????" I ask standing up in a hurry.

"Yessssss!!!!" They all yell in joy. Owwww Thank you Lord.

"And you didn't think of taking me to the school clinic? Or calling the school nurse?" I ask in shock.

"Oh... I didn't think of that. But at least you're awake now. We woke you up" She said smiling.

"Uhhh... Thanks" I say standing up "So what's going on now?"

"The invited schools just finished their races. Obviously KEA won. They are about to start giving awards"

1hour later, they still weren't done with all the awards and Folake hadn't stopped talking.

"Senior girls race, the third goes to Oniyide Lucia from blue house" I saw as Lucia, an ss1 girl ran up to the high table "the second, Akintoye Oreoluwa"  Ore looking a little bit disappointed in herself walked up to the high table with the green house members cheering her up "And the first goes to.... Elliana Williams" I watch as all the yellow house members give me a standing ovation. I honestly can't be happier than this.

I run up to the judges as they put my gold medal over my head. I stand on the first position spot and I notice Ore staring at me. I smile back at her holding my medal in her face. They took a picture of three of us and I started walking back to the tent. I made sure Ore was in front of me though. I'm not ready to die thank you.

"Now the final award of the day. The most active student goes to.... Elliana Williams!!!"

Wait what? Me? Me??? But how? I turn around and walk up to the judges one more time. All my stress wasn't for nothing at the end of the day. I never knew they give out these kind of awards. But this time, its not a medal. Its a wrapped gift given to me by Mrs. Moshood herself.

"Congratulations my dear" She says handing over the gift to me.

"Thank you Ma" I said smiling.

I get back to the tent and see juniors stretching their hands for a shake. And I shake every single one of them. I feel like a superstar once again.

"Now the result we've all been waiting for. Students you know what to do... Run up here and arrange yourselves according to your houses" before he finished his first sentence, everyone had already ran towards the field. Its still kind of a tie between green and yellow. Honestly I don't know what to think. They won most of their races. They were the first in the match past. We won only a few races but won more of the most organized house, most quiet, most disciplined and all those unnecessary awards. I have a feeling we're getting second.

"The last but not the least goes to Red house!!! Try better next time guys" Mr Robert announces and I see some red house members leave the field sadly. Some juniors are even crying. Blue house members are actually celebrating already cause it was kind of a tie between red and blue on which house would come last.

"The third position goes to..... Blue house!!!! You guys can do better too... This isn't your best"

They jump around, some sad, some happy.


"Hey Debra, so you guys came... 1st from behind" I say trying hard to hold in my laughter "Am I permitted to laugh??"

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