Chapter 39 I DON'T CARE

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"You know there is nothing between Martins and I"

"So why were you all over him? Why were you guys hugging like that?"

"Its because I had a second fight with my mom and he was there with his own issues so we were consoling each other. It was pure coincidence" I explain.

"Yeah right. I don't believe in coincidences" he said shaking his head.

"I didn't even invite him, he came to the party with Ore"

"Yeah right"

"So what do you think happened?" I ask out of annoyance.

"You know what I think Elly, you know what I think happened and I'm not going to say it out loud" he said pointing his finger at me.

"Fine then, think whatever you want" I say giving up and slumping on my chair in class. He just stares at me then walks away. "Yeah just go, maybe leaving this country is really the best idea" I whisper to myself.


Finally we're done with exams! I can start packing to leave this country. Honestly I deserve an award for living here this long.

OK deep deep down, I really don't want to leave. I want to stay here even till I enter university cause I don't want to be with my mom again. I just really want to stay here but I guess I'm not really welcomed here.

"Hey" he said as he walked up to my seat after two weeks of not talking to me.

"You think you'll just come back with 'hey' and I'll forgive you instantly?" I ask closing the novel in my hand. He sits on the chair in front of me.

"Well no, but I want to start from there" he says and I decide not to answer him "El I'm sorry. I'm very very sorry"


"I shouldn't have believed. I was being to naive"


"I can't believe I stayed without you for two weeks straight, my exams this term must have been the worst ever"

"Who sent you the picture?" I ask although I have a feeling that I know already, I just want to believe that she isn't the one.

"It was Ore" he said and I let out a chuckle.

"So... You believed Ore over me?" I ask.

"I know that was a very stupid thing to do and I'm very very sorry" he says now holding my hand.

"Its a little too late for that though" I say avoiding his eyes.

"What do you mean?" He asks confused.

"I'm leaving" I say finally looking him in the eyes "After the whole issue on the night of the party, my Mom decided that we'll be moving back to Chicago after Ella's grad"

"No! No you can't leave me. Not this way please"

"I have no say in this. And I think its a great idea actually, you already stopped talking to me for 2 weeks, the rest of our lives shouldn't make much difference" I said but I know I don't mean it, tears are threatening to fall down my eyes but I push them back.

I honestly can't find the right words to describe how I feel right now.

Hurt? Hurt sounds too mild.

Depressed? It sounds too intense.

But no matter how bad I feel now, I'm not going to let him see it. If he hadn't stopped talking to me, maybe I'd have tried talking my mom out of this. Maybe I'd have seen a reason to fight. But now there's no point.

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