Chapter 15

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It's Friday after school... Debra's house is just two blocks away from mine. So her mom decided that she should follow us from school everyday then she would come pick her up when she's done at work.

"Damn you Elly, so you already have a boyfriend? I knew you'd get one easily" Daisy gushed at what I told her about me and Jay being a couple.

"Me too when I heard I was shocked o, on her first day fah, me that I've been here my whole life sef I've still not gotten boyfriend o" Ella also complained with a pout. I was on her bed while she was folding her clothes into her wardrobe.

"Me too o, she just came back to class smiling wildly, I was even scared that her teeth were going to fall off, she nah said that he asked her out and she said yes. To be honest I saw it coming sha. And their so cute together. With their accent and everything" Debra said

Ella, Debra and I were in Ella's room talking with Daisy. I had introduced Daisy to Debra some weeks ago and they got along real fast.

"I was also shocked guys, and I think its too soon. We don't really know each other very well yet. What do you guys think?"

"Who cares about that? Just enjoy your self with the boy" Daisy said. "Abi o" The rest chorused.

"But that boy is soo fine, dark and Asian you are so lucky and I'm so jealous" Ella said with dreamy eyes.

"Hey hey now... That fine, dark and Asian boy is somebody's boyfriend" Daisy said laughing at the way Ella was speaking.

"Calm down nah... I know and I can control myself" Ella said still smiling and now i'm scared for my boyfriend.

"Well alright... urrgh Elly, I need to tell you something. Jem and I may have kinda maybe gone out on a date" After she said that i couldn't speak.

"Isn't that the guy that you say you went out with on your last day?" Ella looked back to ask me.

"yeah the guy you said took you to the arcade on a date. That is really funny fah" Debra said laughing "Elly you're making that confused face of yours again. Please stop" she said in between laughter clutching her stomach. Ella then joined after she saw my face. I really need to stop making this stupid face. But this isn't a time to laugh. Daisy just said something serious.

"Elly... Jem noticed that I was giving him the cold shoulders so he came over to ask why and I told him that I wasn't happy with the way he treated you that day. He then apologized and said he'd make it up to me-"

"And that is his favourite line Daisy he told me that about five times that night he is just fooling you"

"Yeah I know he said it to you lots of times during your date but he actually meant it this time. He told me that he was really heartbroken that day because he overheard his parents talking about a divorce, he will have to go and live with one of them but he doesn't want to be separated from any of them. I felt really sad for him. I know you're angry with him but can you please just hear him out, put yourself in his shoes. Elly please!"

"Fiinnnee, whatever. But if you guys get serious and he breaks your heart even just a little then I'll fly over there and cut his balls off".

" Got it ma'am" She said "Daniel get away from my closet or I'll ...... Is that my bra..... Get back here you little animal!!!!" And the line went dead. Three of us laugh at what we heard.

"What do you think Daniel plans on doing to her bra? I'm very sure he wants to cut it into two equal halves" Ella said and we laughed even harder.

I'm hungry o... Can we go and make something to eat?" Debra said rubbing her stomach in a way a pregnant woman would. "Do you guys have noodles?"

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