Chapter 16

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I woke up to my phone vibrating aggressively on my bed side table, almost falling off the table.

"Uurrrghhh!! Is it time to wake up already??" I sigh as I pick up the phone. I'm shocked that it isn't the alarm, someone's calling my phone this early morning. And its a foreign Number. Oh my God my mom finally remembered me, or could it be my dad?

I wasn't expecting this at all, I thought they had forgotten about me. Due to the shock I was unable to answer the phone call and the ringing stopped. "This can't be happening, I really hope its my dad, I hope he finally remembered me"

"I go over to the bathroom to wash the sleep off my face. I get back to my bed and dial the number again but I realised that I didn't have enough credit. Urggh!!!!

Then the call came in again, that same number. I pick up the call and the first voice I hear is a male voice and I can't mistake that voice anywhere.

To tell the truth, I'm a little disappointed.

"Hey Elly"

"Hi, jem?"

"Yeah its me *laughs* you recognised my voice*laughs* that's nice"

"What's so funny?"

"OK I'm tensed, we need to talk, I know I really screwed up that night and I am very sorry about it, I shouldn't have taken you to an arcade or to watch a silly movie, I'm really sorry, I found out about my parents getting a divorce and I was really broken. I'm really sorry. And I know that isn't a good excuse but please just forgive me please" I answered him with silence "Elliana you're not saying anything, you're getting me worried"

"Dude I've heard you though I still think you should have told me what was going on and this is fucking 2 in the morning, I slept late last night and I'm waking up early tomorrow morning, so I think it'd be better if you Call later"

"Okay but hold on a sec, is that Nigerian accent I hear? *laughs*" He is still the same idiot, how sad. Since I'm really tired and I really need sleep, I cut the call and drift off to sleep.


Saturday morning, woke up early to jog round the neighbourhood, as usual. The first two times I did this, Elly and Aunt Anna were with me, but since I'm used to the routine, I decided to go alone today. With my bottle of water, my phone with earpiece and my braided her in a ponytail, I go out and I start jogging. For a second I close my eyes to let the music sink in but then I'm hit by something wet. I land on the floor, butt first.

I look behind me to see some kind of specie of human. And I feel like the safest place for me to be at is the floor so i remain on the ground. " Oh my God I'm sorry, I didn't mean for you to fall off"

"What are you??" I say to this Greek god as he pulls me up. He looks so good.

"I'm Martins, do you live around here? I've just never seen you around here before"

"Sorry I don't talk to strangers" I say as I put my earpiece back on and continue with my jogging.

"You know everyone you know now was once a stranger to you" I pretend not to hear "Hey wait up, I didn't catch your name" He said jogging, now by my side. I pretend not to hear him again but he takes a brave move and pulls off my earpiece. "I said i didn't catch your name"

"Yeah that's cause I didn't throw it now can you leave me alone?"

"Okay that was really funny" he says in between laughter "please can you chill for a while?"

I stop to study this guy's features and I'm like WOW!!! IS HE FROM THIS PLANET? He is really tall with dark eyes black soft hair, though I haven't touched it. Yet. He is light skinned. Oh my God he isn't wearing a shirt.

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