Chapter 4

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After church, I decide to go start packing for Nigeria. It wasn't easy telling all my family friends in church about my relocation but I guess I succeeded though the most painful part was talking to Jem, I've had a huge crush on him since I was a little girl, he was my first kiss, He kissed me mistakenly when i was still in 3rd grade and since that day, let's just say I can't breathe properly whenever I'm around him but he never made any move to go on dates with me or anything so I made up my mind that he didn't like me the way I do him, the only time we really talked were on Sundays in church. And then when I was telling him about me leaving, that was when he decided to tell me he'd always liked me
"Hey Jem" I said when I saw him get out of the church.

"Hey Elly, how you doing?" He asked.

"I'm good" I respond "Uhhmm.... I have something to tell you, its not really important though but I think you should know."

"Sure what's up" He said looking down at me with his deep blue eyes.

"So I'm kind of moving to Nigeria in some days and I'll be over there for about 2 years" I say looking up at him. He just looked at me with a shocked face, then he hugged me suddenly.

At first I'm frozen to the spot but I adjust quickly and I hug him back.

"I'm sorry Elly, I'm really sorry I never told you all about this but I've aIways liked you. Like a lot. Like more than a platonic kind of like" He spits out and I'm like seriously? You telling me this now??! Urghhhh

I withdraw from his embrace wide eyed"Seriously? Why'd you never tell me??"

"I'm sorry ,I thought you didn't like me or something and I didn't want to ruin our relationship. But I can make it up to you if you let me take you out on one date before you leave" He says. So I've been waiting for this all my life and now that I'm leaving is the right time for you to tell me this? This is so fucked up. I start crying "Please don't cry I swear I'll make it up to you if you let me Elly!"

"Alright Jem" I wipe my tears "We could go out maybe on Wednesday cause I'm leaving on Thursday"

"Alright so I'll pick you up at 7?" I nod, answering him. And we just stand there staring one another in the eyes before he smiled at me. "Bye Elly, I have to go now, see you on Wednesday" he says as he starts walking away.

"Yeah sure" I mumble before he gets in his Brother's car.
I feel really sad and happy at the same time if that's even possible so the first thing that comes to my mind is to call Daisy

"Hey babe you won't believe what happened today after church" I scream once she picks my call.

"Your mom miraculously changed her mind and decided to let you stay??" She says with so much enthusiasm.

"You really are a bad guesser aren't you" I say with a chuckle.

"I was only hoping babe. But if that's not it then what happened?" She asks.

"So jem finally asked me on a date." I say. Firstly there is no reply until I hear a loud scream from the other end of the phone. Yep, typical Daisy.

"Oh my God"She yells

"I know right, like I've been wishing for that all my life and now that my wish has finally come true I'm leaving, the universe fucking hates me" I reply.

"Ohh Sweetie, don't worry you'll find the perfect guy over there at Nigeria"She says trying to cheer me up.

"You know that's another thing I'm scared of, what if I find someone I truly like over there at Nigeria, I'll be there for just 2 years" I say with sadness leaking into my voice.

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