Chapter 14

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Ella's POV

I'm so glad that Elliana is here in Nigeria, at least I won't be alone anymore and I'll feel like I have a younger sister to look after although she isn't that young, just a year younger than I am. I'm also happy that she is able to talk back at Ore. I just can't bring myself to talk back at Ore although she calls herself my 'best friend'.

All my life I've seen her as a threat to my life. Since I was in primary school. Primary 4 to be precise. I remember the day our 'friendship' started. I just moved to Ilorin from Abuja and I had no friends whatsoever. Amaka was the one who came over to talk to me. She was so sweet and friendly.


"Hey, you're a newcomer right?" She said smiling wildly at me.

"Yes I am" I said smiling back at her.

"My name is Chiamaka but you can just call me Amaka" she stretched her hand towards me.

"I'm Emmanuella but you can call me Ella or Emma" I said shaking her hand.

"Let me take you round the school" she said pulling me up from my seat.

Flashback over

She took me on a tour of the school and I really enjoyed myself, we were just playing and laughing. That day, I got to know that she had an elder brother and she was the last born. She then told me that she has a best friend named Ore but she wasn't in school that particular day because she had to travel for a wedding. She told me that her best friend was nice and very beautiful. And with all her description, I already loved Ore before we even met.

The next day came and I finally met Ore she was really very beautiful with full lips.


"Nice to meet you, I'm Ore" she said the second she saw me and then pulled me in for a big hug.

"I'm Emmanuella " I said while hugging back at her.

Flashback over

The three of us since then became best friends. We were always together, always having sleepovers, celebrating our birthdays together.

We continued that way until some weeks before we graduated from primary 6 something really bad happened. It came as a shock to all three of us. Especially to Ore.

Her dad passed away. No one told us the real reason why he died, Ore's mom said he was in a car accident, my mom told me he had an heart attack. I was so confused at that time and scared. I remember him being a very good man, always buying sweets and chocolates for three of us. Ore's mom would now start shouting, saying that too much sweet things wasn't good for our teeth and all that... Mothers and all their shouting. Urrghh!

Ore was so close to her dad, she was always with him. He was her true best friend. When he left, some part of Ore left with him. The Ore who was always smiling and joking and friendly to everyone became cold and aggressive and very violent. She became disrespectful to teachers and adults in general. Since she was the only child,  her mom began to spoil her, she gave her every single thing she asked for, things that an average 10 year old wouldn't have. Phones, tabs, make up, bras that were by far bigger than her size, I mean our breasts still looked like mosquito bites back then. She would always lament that we were also going to leave her the way her dad left and we would assure her against that but she wouldn't listen and that resulted to her mom buying her useless stuff.

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