Chapter 9

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Hey loves💓I'm here again with a new chapter and I hope you enjoy it. Please vote and comment. I'm sorry this update is coming really late, but I've been really busy with school work and then my phone is bad so I find it really hard to type but I'm trying my best. I hope you guys forgive me though. And I want to say thank you to a friend who has been the one pushing me to continue writing whether my phone is bad or not. He can be really annoying but he is the reason for this chapter @Pstar303 I really appreciate it. Read and enjoy.


So it turns out that Ella hadn't vacated yet, one week left, so she still went to school and I spent all 5 days exploring the huge compound and our Estate. We have a lady that helps in the kitchen and she kind of looks like Shakky, just younger, we call her AY, she is very nice to me but not that nice to Ella. Basically, I've spent the whole week with AY and she is always complaining about how she doesn't like Ella, whenever I ask her why she just says 'don't worry very soon you'll see her true colour' and then she just tries to change the topic.

But the main thing we spend all our time doing is cooking, her food is super amazing, she made a dish on Wednesday morning, she called it 'Akara' and it was amazing. Since then I eat Akara every morning with pap which is equally nice cause she adds lots of sugar and milk.

I also went to the market on Wednesday afternoon, it wasn't a pleasant site, it's an Open market and it has a disgusting smell, I regret going there even till now and I don't think I ever want to go there again.

And Ella has been a total pain in my ass cause she has been begging me to come for the graduation party in her school that holds tomorrow, Saturday but I really don't want to go because I don't know anyone in the school and I don't even think they'll want to talk to me since they don't know me. I mean who talks to strangers? Now Ella is back from school and has started with her harassment. Can't she just accept the fact that I'm not going!!! Urhhhggg!!!

"Elly now please I'm begging you, I promise you'll like it and if no one talks to you then I will, please just come nah" Ella continued to beg, but I had already made up my mind.

"I'm really sorry but I can't go Ella, it will be too awkward" I said looking back at the TV in my room.

"You are too stubborn joh, whether you come or not, you'll still meet them, is it not better to meet some of them now and make friends now than to wait till September when we'll be resuming?" she went on trying to explain to me the importance of coming but I was bent on staying home.

"Please try to understand Ella, I can't, I'm-" I started saying but then she cut me off.

"You know what, don't come that's your business, just stay at home and rot here, if you don't come out, how do you plan on making friends? I was just trying to help you to make it less awkward for you when we resume, but it's like you are too stubborn to realise what I'm trying to do" She says then she hissed at me and walked out of my room.

Although I know she is being really mean about all these, I know she is right, she is really just trying to help me, although it sounds like she has ulterior motives but still she is trying to help me no matter what she has up her sleeves. I just don't feel like going, I'm someone that doesn't relate well with people I don't know. But since Ella is going I should just go and cling on to her right? Will that be OK? Will I look like I'm socially awkward? I think I should just stay at home and be on the safer side.

"Ibeji" I heard my aunty call from downstairs. So I get up from the white chair and head downstairs. The first time she called us that I was really confused and so was Ella. Then Aunt Anna said she can't be calling us by our name so that's what she is going to be calling us. And Ella later told me that Ibeji is the Yoruba way of calling twins together. We protested against the name and she said she wouldn't call us that anymore but I guess she changed her mind or something. I kind of like the name, I don't think Ella feels the same way though.

I got downstairs and Aunt Anna was seated in the living room, she was watching a programme on TV called The Johnson's. Ella got down some seconds after I did "So Emmanuella tomorrow is your school's graduation abi?" she said after we sat down

"Yes ma"

"What time are you to be there?"

"It starts by 9"

"OK, Elly you are going with her abi"

"I've been telling her since to come but she is too stubborn and she said she isn't coming" she looked like she was turning red.

"Ah Kilode now, why?" Aunt Anna said taking her eyes off the screen for the first time since she called us.

"I'll just stay at home and help AY in the kitchen" I said and I wasn't even convincing my own self.

"OK o but AY is going to market tomorrow and you'll have to go with her because I can't leave you at home alone, since I'm also going to work"

And that was my breaking point. I can't go to that market again, it scares me and it is very disgusting. I just can't do it. I looked at Ella and I saw her smiling at me. Well... Congrats cause you've won. Maybe she reads minds cause immediately I thought of that she nodded her head. Urrrggh she is too pushy. "Aunty I think it'd be better if I go with Ella. I can't go to the market"

"OK o no problem, Ella call Alfa and tell him to come over to pick you guys before 9"

"OK MA" she said as she stood up with a sly smile and dragged me along with her. We got to the dining table and she pulled me in for a hug which I gladly accepted. "Thank you Elly, you don't know what this means to me. I really appreciate it"

"It's okay Ella, I really don't have any reasons to stay at home to be honest, I'm just scared to go, I'll have no one to talk to there" I said after we hugged.

"You have me! And besides there is a girl in your class that I've already told about you, she'll be eager to see you and I'm sure you'll like her, her name is Deborah, though you can call her Debbie okay?"

"Okay, you should have told me that earlier then" I said smiling and feeling embarrassed.

"Why not let's go to my room and do something fun" she said dragging me up the stairs, why then did she ask if she didn't let me answer??? She's sooooo wild.

So the rest of the day went well, we were in Ella's room looking at her year book of about 4 years ago, her Js1, she was so tiny and cute with puffed cheeks and a huge tummy, I think she was even the smallest in the school at that time. I laughed so hard that I fell on the floor and she kept on saying "stop laughing joh I was very cute". The truth is that she was actually really cute with her black shoes well polished, her very white socks, her neat uniform - it was a stripped deep blue Pinaphore with a yellow inner, her pretty hair that was beaded with sparkly silver beads and a large wristwatch which looked like it was bigger than her head.

She showed me pictures of her friends. Her best friend, Ore. And some others with weird names, though I can remember Dozie, since it kind of sounds like Daisy, then there is Peter, Bolu, Kemi. Those ones are easy to remember. She then showed me a picture of Deborah and she is really pretty, I'm sure she'll be prettier in person though cause the picture Ella showed me was of when Debbie was in Js1 and it was almost as funny as Ella's own. Almost.

Ella then gave me Debbie's number and I saved it as Debra cause to me it sounded better. I chatted with her for sometime and we got along pretty well, I can't wait to meet her. When it was around 1 in the morning and I was tired of staring at my phone screen, I got up to microwave some leftover Akara  to keep my mouth moving. Once I was done with it, I went over to Ella's room to see if she was still up. She wasn't but her phone was, so I switched it off and whispered a little 'Good night' and she surprisingly replied from her sleep. I went back to my room and drifted off to sleep.

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