Chapter 20 The BEG

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Elly kill us ooooo (Elliana's on the picture above)

"Why are you sneaking into the house, did Ore send you to do something?" Ella asked in shock. I was also really shocked to see Amaka sneaking into the house.

"I just wanted to surprise you guys nah calm down, and why will Ore even send me?" Amaka said walking towards us.

"See just fashi, we need to talk, let's go up to Elly's room" Ella said as we all walked up the stairs to my room.

"Emmanuella are you still vexing?" Amaka asked Ella

"No o, I will not vex, why will you sneak into my house like that, what if Elly had a gun on her?"

"Hey!!!! Why would I have a gun on me?" I protested.

"Its possible jare, you are the only one that can have a gun amongst the three of us" Debra who has been silent since spoke up.

"True though" I sighed and gave up "but that's not the point, why were you sneaking in?"

"Ah, shay someone cannot play with you Williams girls again ni" she said feigning annoyance.

"Continue o, be playing risky games, its until Ella shoots you in the head" Ella said smilling.

"Ella is a good girl nah she can't"

Ella, Debra and I laughed at what she said.

"You don't know warris going on" Debra said shaking her head.

And we all laughed.

An hour (filled with gist) later

"So what did Ore do to you for you to still be by her side till now" Ella asked Amaka after telling her what Ore has put her through.

"Chill let everything sink in first, she did all these to you? The same Ore that I know?" Amaka asked still trying to process everything.

"Yeah she did but with your reaction I don't think that's your own story" Ella said.

"No it isn't, I don't even have a story to tell, I'm still by Ore's side because she has been my best friend since I can remember and it just feels right for me to be with her. I know she can be a little bit annoying sometimes" she said that and I gave her a look which didn't go unnoticed by her, then she giggled "Okay she can be really annoying when she wants to be but I feel like the sweet and loving Ore I knew before is still inside there somewhere"

"She may still be in there but it must be very very very deep down" Debra said staring into space.

"I want to delete those pictures so I need your help, you are the only one that she gives access to all her stuff so please can you help me?" Ella said putting her hands together, begging.

"Yeah sure no problem, but we need like a plan" Amaka said matter of factly.

"Yeah we do so we are going to do this" Ella said.

We all waited for her in silence.

"We are going to do what?" I asked losing my patience.

"I honestly don't know" She replied and we all laughed "oyah who has any ideas?"

"Can we just shoot her and delete everything then pray that doctors save her life?" I suggested.

"Elly!!!!" Debra yelled.

"What? Its a suggestion"

"You always come up with the worst suggestions" Ella said.

"Urggghhh fine! I'll stop talking I promise" I gave up.

"Chill, what is Ore scared of, like very very terrified of?" Debra asked.

"Losing her mom I guess, or her best friends?" Elly answered.

"No we can't use that, that's just plain evil" I spoke up even after promising that I wouldn't talk again.

"She's scared of cats o" Amaka added.

"Who that one help?" Debra said.

"Debra you have a cat right?" I asked mischievously.

"Yeah I do, Grace, why though?" She answered and I just started smiling and after sometime they all joined.

"I think we have a plan"


"So we've all gotten the plan right?" I asked as I sat in Amaka's bed, ruffling the cat's fur.

We were in Amaka's house cause its the closest to Ore's house.

"Yeah we do" Amaka says "Where's the can of cat food?"

"Its on your dressing mirror" Debra answers and Amaka walks over to her dressing table.

"We should give our selves a group name... What do you guys think?"

"I'd love power puff girls sha" Debra said and we all stared at her.

"Sha be disgracing me up and down o" I said forcing out a Nigerian accent. And they all fell laughing at me.

"Please never say anything like that again" Amaka said in between laughter.

"Honestly!" Ella and Debra chorused.

"Okay for real now what can we name our selves" I say still stroking Grace's back.

"How about secret keepers" Amaka said pouring some cat food on a face towel in accordance with our plan.

"It doesn't sound right" Debra protested.

"Girls nko" Ella said

"Were we boys before?" Amaka replied.

We continued thinking of a name while walking to Ore's house. This shit has to be done today.

"Omo ghetto nko" Amaka said.

"Do you have sense?" Ella asked.

" What does that even mean?" I asked.

"I don't even know, I heard it from a Yoruba film" Amaka confessed.

"See your life" Debra said and we all laughed.

"Okay, what of The BEG? As in the Brown Eyed Girls?" We were right in front of Lipsie's house as at now.

"Eh eh, mad oo" Debra said lifting up her two hands.

"Is it good?" Amaka asked widening her eyes in excitement.

"Its actually very nice" I replied thinking about it.

"So it's official, who are we?" Ella whisper screamed just in front of Ore's door.

"We're The BEG" we replied then laughed as I hit the door with Grace in my arms. I knocked purposely cause I wanted Ore to be shocked at seeing me 😂😂

Hey beautifuls 😀😀😀

You guys probably hate me right now... I love you more guys.

I had finished this chapter since but I decided to leave you guys in suspense😈😈

Thanks you all for all the love and I'm happy that we're at 300votes 💃💃💃

Thanks to everyone who has taken their time to vote and please don't relent keep on voting.

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The Plan


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