Chapter 13

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It's Monday now and its my first day in school. Well... not really my first day since i practically introduced myself to the whole school during the graduation ceremony. Our little outing ended up being really REALLY amazing and i enjoyed myself a whole lot. Some students from KEA- Kwara Elites Academy came over and i made lots of friends. Folake said that anyone who wasn't in KEA or Cherub wasn't going to a school cause they were the only two 'make sense' schools in the whole of Kwara State. That's why the students kind of have a very strong bond.

Jay came over to pick me up. And no he didn't drive... he has a driver. When we got to the mall and i was about to pay for my movie... he just handed me my ticket and told me he had already paid before i got there. At first i got angry... typical me... getting angry over nothing. But after sometime Debra came over to calm me down and she succeeded. Then we watched our movie. After the movie.... we moved over to KFC and we just ate and talked about everything but nothing in particular. We made a hell of noise there and some people were just staring us down. The point is that we all had lots of fun.

"Elly oya come down nah we are running late" i heard Ella holler at me from downstairs. I looked at myself in the mirror to ensure that i was looking good enough for school. I was in my school uniform - white shirt and blue skirt. i adjusted my blue tie one more time and patted down my curly black hair...... picked up my blue school bag and headed down the stairs.

"I'm on my way you bighead!! Calm your horses" i said while running down the stairs "Do we get to eat before we leave?" I asked AY as i stepped into the kitchen.

"Of course you will eat nah before you go and faint in your school... infact i made akara specially for you. So you better eat it before it gets cold" She said while frying the Akara. That just reminded me about my mom. I never used to eat before leaving for school since my mom never had my time.

"Thank you very much" I said smiling sheepishly.

"Abeg don't bother joh. Nah my job" she said smiling back.


So I'm in Debra's class. Thank you lord. Jay is also in my class.. and so is Folake. they are the only real friends I've actually made since i got here. I'm not as close to the others as i am with them. But for some reason Debra doesn't like Folake Its break time now and I'm on my way to the cafeteria with Debra.

" Why exactly don't you like Folake??" I ask out of curiosity.

"Well... I'm not sure o but I heard that she has asked almost all the boys in KEA out, as in to date her" Debra said looking amused and I couldn't help but laugh at that, like what the hell, that just sounds improper.

"Are you for real??" I said still chuckling.

"Well that's what me I heard sha and I think its true"

"I'll ask her about it, just in case it isn't true" I said while paying for my fanta and some chocolates.

"Hmm... Sha don't tell her that you heard it from me o" she said while paying for her own meat pie and fanta.

"Yh don't worry I won't do that to you" I said patting her head in a playful manner. We walked down to the class together and almost getting to class, we came across Jay.

"Hey you" he said with a bright smile on his face. Do you really have to show off with the dimples??? Urrrgghh!?!? Why so cute?

"Hey Jay"

"Would you mind if i borrow Elliana for a while?" He asked obviously talking to Debra

"Yes o, I mind. If you go with her now I'll be bored and I don't want that Abisola boy to come and be disturbing me again" she said folding her arms and looking at anywhere except from where Jay and I were standing. I laughed at what she said because this Abisola guy has been disturbing her for a while now. He likes her but she doesn't feel the same way. Anytime he sees her alone he comes over and tries to start up a conversation but she just ignores him most times. I'd advice him to just let her be.

"Besides I can't trust the both of you together, ALONE. Ella said I should take care of you Elly, you can't get pregnant under my watch, what do you think Ella would say?? She would just kill me" OK this isn't funny anymore, what the hell is this psychopathic best friend of mine saying. As at now, Jay was looking very embarrassed and it brought a smile to my face, he looked so cute.

"Debra..." I called her name with gritted teeth.

"What??" She said finally looking my way and I raised an eyebrow up and moved my eyeballs from her to jay and then back to her. I hope she understands that I'm telling her to get the hell away from here.

"Urrgghhhh.... You guys are super annoying and in love, its not fair that nobody likes me o" she said rolling her eyes. After she said the word 'love' we all fell silent who said we were in love.

"You have Abisola that loves you unconditionally" I said with a sly smile plastered on my lips.

"Get away joh" she said walking away from us "you better not stay for too long o"

"Yes ma'am" I said before looking towards Jay "So... You wanted to say something?"

"Oh yh... I'm still just shocked about all the things that Deborah just said" he said and I let out a little chuckle.

"I believe i'm getting used to all her talking"  I said chuckling.

"Good luck with that though... I don't think I can bare her wahala" we both laughed at that. "I came over to ask you a very serious and important question,. I'm sure you'll think its too soon to ask this but I feel like its the right time and the perfect time. I know you already have an idea of what the question is but I'm still going to ask"

This can not be happening. What the hell is happening... I think I'm going to pass out... OMG

"Will you be my girlfriend?"


Hey people, I'm sure you guys hate me real bad but i can assure you that you dont hate me as much as i hate myself but I'm really sorry for posting this late, I know deep down in your hearts you still love me, even if its a little. With the little love you have for me please help me promote my story by voting, commenting and sharing the story.

I would have made a promise to update frequently but I can't cause I'm getting ready for my GCE and since i'm entering ss3 now i'll also be preparing for my WAEC, NECO and JAMB. So I may be posting a bit late but any opportunity I get I promise thst ill write something down.

Please forgive me...... By the way what do you think about Ella's POV?


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