Chapter 30 Accepting Offers

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Ella's POV

I stand smiling by Elly's door and watch as she runs up to it in tears. She stands for a few seconds and just stares at my smirking face. Suddenly the whole thing isn't as fun as it was earlier. Me seeing her crying face makes me feel like a monster and my smile just fades away "I'm... I'm so sor-"

"Don't! Just don't" she says before getting into her room and banging the door in my face. I can hear her sniffing.

"Elly! Please let's talk, I'm sorry!!" I yell as I knock on her door, hoping she'll come out and we'll be able to talk.

"Ella just leave okay! Thanx for telling me about my mom, although if you'd told me in a more pleasant way I would be a little bit less sad. I hear a door close, she has probably locked herself up in her toilet.

"Emmanuella!!! Get down here now!!" My mom yells from downstairs. I'm so finished. I walk down to her and see her standing by the dining table.


"I called you and you are dragging your legs?"

"Chill mom. I'm sorry" I say and it was as if she was holding herself from hitting me.

"Why did you do it? I trusted you as my daughter to keep that as a secret, why did you tell her??"

"I felt she deserved to know cause I mean, its her mother we're talking-" I stopped talking cause my mother slapped me! She has never done that before "Mom! You slapped me" I said feeling my cheek.

"Yes I'm aware of that! I wish I had started slapping you earlier in life. Maybe you wouldn't have turned out to be so spoilt. She deserves to know, don't you think I know that? I planned on telling her tomorrow in a more subtle way. I had everything planned and you just came to ruin everything" she starts crying "why are you doing this to me? Would you like that if roles were turned? How would you feel?"

I couldn't even listen to what she was saying. She slapped me!!! She has never done that before! And this is all her fault. I need to do something about this girl. I need to do something fast.

"I'm sorry mom, I just felt what I did was the right thing to do. I didn't mean to hurt her" I say walking backwards. I then run up to my room. I apologized not because I meant it, but because I have something urgent to do. I lock myself in my room and reach for my phone. And I do something I should have done earlier.

"Hello?.... Yeah its me... I accept the offer, this time she went too far... We need to do something urgently" I hang up the phone and smile to myself "Well its about time"


Elly's POV

"Hey mom" I say in tears

"Hey baby, how you doing?" She says sniffing, she's probably crying too.

"Mom I'm not OK at all!! What happened? Why did you do that to yourself? Why did you do it?"

"I'm sorry my love, your dad got to me, he planned on destroying my life and he succeeded. He told me he wanted to get back with me. I fell for it cause I mean, I still loved him. Even after everything, I loved him. But he started giving me drugs and as stupid as I am, I took them and one way or the other I got... I got addicted. I know you hate me now but I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for all this to happen"

"Mom I don't hate you. I just want you to get better. Please do it for me. Please"

"Calling time's over" a voice says through the phone.

"I have to go now honey, I love you and I promise to get better"

"I love you too Mom" I say and the call is hung immediately.

"Are you feeling better now?" Aunt Anna asks.

"Yeah I am" I say sniffing and wiping off my tears "I just need some rest"

"No problem dear. Just go up and rest" I nod and give her a small smile before moving up to my room.


"Good morning students" Mrs Moshood says once she gets hold of the mic.

"Good morning ma!!!"

"I know we all enjoyed the inter house sport, but its time to be serious with reading cause tests will be coming your way very frequently this week. So don't forget to read your books in preparation okay?"

"Yes ma!!"

"Our excursion this term is going to be after our exams so as not to lose concentration in our studies. We'll be going to Ikogosi in Ekiti state first because the hotels there are not satisfying and spacious for us to stay. So we get there first, do whatever we want to before moving over to Igbeti, a town in Oyo state, we'll visit the iyamopo, a certain mountain there, then spend the rest of the week in Golden Tulips hotel before coming back home for the vacation. This year there will be a little twist. We are not going to go as a school. The junior students will go first and spend three days, but the seniors will go after the junior students and spend a week there. This is because the junior students' parents will obviously be worried. But I'm sure you senior students can take care of yourself right?" Every single person started murmuring, the juniors sad about thus and the seniors extremely happy.

"Ah, this year's excursion is going to be mad o, we've never spent more than two nights before" Debra said excitedly.

"I've never been on any excursion here before so I can't tell if its going to be 'mad o' like you said or not" I said air quoting the mad o.

"Its going to be fun, trust us" Abisola said from beside Debra.

"Well... Okay, I'll try to take your words for it"


Hey children😝😝

Honestly, I think this is the shortest chapter I've ever written, but I think its worth it.

Who do you think Ella was talking to o?

Is it the one and only Lipsie??

Or Jay?? Because lately its like she's always talking to Jay.

Or even Amaka?? I don't think its Amaka, but what do you guys feel?

This Ella sef, she's making me sad😭😭

And I feel like something will happen during this excursion... Something sweet, I'm even drooling.
Comment your excursion stories in the comment section I'm bored please, biko, ejo, s'il vous plait.

Don't mind me o, its because I feel like the chapter is too short, that's why I'm writing nonsense. But please don't forget to vote please, ejo, biko, por favor.

About my new story, I'm waiting on my cover designer for a good cover, that's why I haven't posted it. Sorry💖


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