Chapter 28 Sports!!!!!

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I've practised hard. I mean really hard. I mean extremely hard for all my activities for today.

I have a speech to make at the beginning of the program.

I have calisthenics display right after my speech.

I'm matching for yellow house immediately after the calisthenics display.

And I'm running the senior girls race, yes Ore is representing green house.

Fun right?

I've been practising for all four like nothing matters in the world anymore. But today is here. Finally!!! I'm happy but I'm more of scared. All students are on the field under tents, arranged in their different colours. There is a high table, a tent for teachers and other tents for guests.

So let me give you a little recap. Jamal disappeared. Like he just left this world. Different rumours came but I didn't listen to them. I got home that day and called him numerous times, I texted him, I messaged him on WhatsApp and even on Instagram but he didn't pick up or reply. After a week I gave up and started living with the fact that Jamal has left. Like for good. I still miss him though, a lot. If he was here he would have made me laugh at how nervous I am. Now I'm getting even more nervous.

What if I mess up while taking the speech?

"We welcome a model student from this prestigious school to give us a brief history of the school. A round of applause for Elliana Williams" Mr Robert announces on the stage at the center of the field. I'm about to walk up there from behind the high table in my black track suit (specially given to me for this speech) and my braided hair packed up in a pony tail and a yellow bow on it but someone holds up my hand from behind me.

"You think this is as easy as it looks? Well it isn't. When you get to that stage, all the students, the teachers, those on the high table, the cameramen, everyone will bore holes into your body with their wide gazes and you'll become tensed, you'll start stuttering and you'll never want to get on a stage again. You'll-"

"Are you trying to hypnotize me? Cause its not working. I have an important thing to do now so please excuse me. We can continue your petty talk never okay? Thanks for understanding dear" I reply Ore sarcastically and start walking over to the stage. I may act like what she said didn't affect me but it really did. Now I'm more tensed than ever.

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen. As said earlier, I go by the name Elliana and welcome to the 5th inter house sport of Cherub schools. I'd like to start by saying thank you to everyone who had to adjust their busy schedule just to make it here, A round of applause for you all" and they all start clapping. This shouldn't be a big deal, right?

"We all know that without our mother, our first lady, our beautiful and honourable principal, this would have never been possible so please let's give a standing ovation for Mrs. Moshood" I say as I stretch my hand towards the high table in a dramatic way.

"In fact I give everyone a ticket to go for a tour round this school once this is over. You'd be amazed at all she has done and the effort she has put into this school and I bet you that you'll want to bring your children, nieces and nephews, cousins and even grand children here. If you don't feel that urge then you can come and beat me up. Yeah I'm that sure" I say and I take a look at Mrs Moshood, she is putting on a bright smile which is so unlike her and that just assures me that I'm doing a great job. Thank you Lord. I'm not even as nervous as before.

I completed my speech and everyone stood up and clapped for me. It makes me really happy that I did it well. But my new concern is the calisthenics display. How do I change into my costume on time? What if I forget the steps.

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