Don't Panic

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**panic attack**

It was a series of events that put Peter in the predicament of relive a rather unfortunate moment of his life. The Avengers had no one of knowing this, however, because Peter never told them about his panic attacks.

Peter stepped into the kitchen, not expecting anything out of the ordinary to happen. Wanda was teaching Vision to cook, so when Peter stepped in, white flour got blasted into his face making his vision get cloudy. At the same moment, Steve and Bucky had dropped pots and pans making a loud clanging noise throughout the room and their laughter soon following. Clint walked in, crashing into Peter making him fall. "Sorry, Pedro."

Peter curled into himself his breath becoming harsh and fast. His vision was already blurry but Peter had them clenched shut. Sweat came down as Peter could hear heartbeats. Even with his eyes closed, his sight became one of debris just crashing down. "Help me! I'm stuck! Please! I-I don't want to die!"

Tears slide down his cheeks as he started rocking, his arms locked firmly around his knees if something would try to tear them off. The pale, shaking child heard nothing but he's own pleas for safety and comfort. Something felt like it was crushing Peter's back, but no amount of trashing would make it go away.

Tony, the man with the perfect timing, walked in as soon as FRIDAY alerted him. Hitting his knees, he grabbed Peter forcing him to stop shaking. Peter opened his eyes looking into Tony's. After a few moments of incoherent mumbling, Peter understood Tony was trying to get him to breathe.

When Peter finally relaxed, Tony helped Peter drink small sips of water. Despite his breathing returning to normal and his skin regaining color, Peter's hands still shook as they found the glass. Hence, Tony helping.

"Want to tell me what happened?" Tony said quietly. The man didn't want to send Peter into another spiral of panic, but maybe talking about it could help prevent it.

"I was back under there, Mr. Stark. I didn't have air or anyone to help me. I thought I was going to die," Peter mumbled his gaze coming from his land of lost thoughts to the present day. "Toomes, the Vulture, he knew who I was. I was his daughter's homecoming date. He threatened to kill me. In the warehouse, I thought he had missed. But his wings had hit the supports. The building was crushing me. The flour reminded me of the dust that flew around. The pots reminded me of the crashing metal. And he called me Pedro, Mr. Stark. "

"I'm sorry, Underoos. Why didn't you tell me? Or anyone for that matter?" Tony said rubbing the boys back. Wanda, Steve, Bucky, Vision, and Clint stood helplessly at the sides, not knowing what to do.

"I don't know," was Peter's answer. It was because he didn't. No amount of thinking over it gave Peter an answer as to why. as

"Talk to us, Umderoos. Now let's watch a movie while Vision picks up this mess. Wanda, I told you he would make a mess, didn't I?" Tony said getting a laugh from everyone.

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