The Squad Babies

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What one shot book lets a wasp, an ant, a mantis, and two spiders become babies? This one!


Steve Rodgers looked at the toddlers lined up in front of him. Steve realized that they were his teammates and Mantis. Peter was crying, screaming for his parents. Natasha had her hands raised up towards Steve like she wanted him to pick her up. Hope was sitting there with her arms crossed with Scott trying to talk to her. Mantis just kept turning in slow circles trying to figure out what was happening.

Steve picked up Natasha and asked FRIDAY to call the other Avengers in the room. The other Avengers began to trickle into the laboratory going to the different toddlers who were all 5, except the 4 year old Peter. Tony and Bruce walked in last and just stares at the sight before them.

"Guys, looks like The Squad  are now toddlers," Steve said the obvious not sure what to make of the rather weird situation. Peter was still sobbing, but the others were fascinated by Wanda's magic.

"Avengers, it appears there is a mission requiring everyone but Miss Wanda and Mister Bruce," FRIDAY spoke up at the worst time. The Avengers not needed suited up while Bruce went to the lab to find a solution. Wanda was left on babysitting duty, which wasn't hard except Peter.

"Pete, why're you crying?" Wanda asked her accent present but not as thick as it once was. Wanda had been practicing so she could be understood by everyone.

"I-I want my mommy! And- and my b-back hurts," Peter whimpered and stuttered. His lips kept quivering as tears came down his checks in silent streams.

Wanda picked up everyone telekiniticly, getting Scott to giggle. Wanda took them to the bathroom, where she set them on the countertop. Wanda turned Peter over to take off the much to large t-shirt he wore. Wanda saw bruises litter his back ranging in color from yellow to purple to black. Wanda rubbed some cream on Peter's back watching Mantis take his hand. Soon, Peter and Mantis were laughing like idiots. Scott was soon laughing with them, as was Natasha. Mantis grabbed Hope's hand forcing her to laugh with them. Wanda couldn't help but giggle as she watched the five toddlers howl with laughter.

Wanda decided that the toddlers needed clothing that fit, and other baby necessities. Wanda didn't know how long they would be babies, so it was best to prepared. Wanda lifted the crying from laughter children and took them to a van FRIDAY had directed her to. Peter and Mantis sat in the backseat, with Natasha, Scott, and Hope in the very back. Wanda sat in the passenger seat waiting for Happy to arrive.

When Happy did arrive, he said absolutely nothing about the giggling toddlers in the backseat that looked familiar to him. Happy just assumed Stark did something again.

At the mall, Wanda bought some clothes that fit all the kids. Wanda even bought them one stuffed animal each, to help with nap times. After the shopping was done, Wanda took the toddlers to a McDonald's to eat lunch. The kids all got Happy Meals while Wanda got a cheeseburger.

After they finished, Wanda put all the kids back in their car seats, and telekiniticly put the bags in the trunk. Happy drove them back and Wanda put the kids down for a nap in five different cribs. Peter was closest to the door, than Natasha, Mantis, Hope, and Scott.


Peter started crying in his sleep from a nightmare. This in turn, woke Natasha up who woke the others up. However it happened, Scott and Hope ended up in Mantis' crib. Scott, Hope, and Mantis all jumped on top of a crib railing they dismantled. Natasha flew upwards, landing in Peter's crib. The young spider didn't question it, and just snuggled into the older spider.

When Wanda checked on them, she was surprised to find Natasha cuddling with Peter. She was also surprised to find Scott, Hope, and Mantis sleeping in Mantis' crib with the side railing creating a weird staircase down the crib. Wanda sighed hoping that Bruce would come back with the solution.


The Avengers came back to find five high chairs with five toddlers drinking out of sippy cups. Wanda was at the stove cooking spaghetti and meatballs.

"I made enough for everyone!" Wanda called putting the spaghetti in little colored bowls with small spoons. Only Hope and Natasha used the spoons, however, with the other three using their bare hands. It was only because Mantis was copying the two beside her, Peter and Scott.

The Avengers sat down to eat, still being tired and sore. Tony sat beside Peter helping him eat. Peter smiled up at Tony and even called him "dada". The Avengers were shocked but Tony was just happy.

After dinner, Wanda asked for volunteers to clean the boys. Wanda said she could manage Hope, Natasha, and Mantis. Tony and Steve volunteered for Scott and Peter, needing two for the trouble makers.

After the baths, which had Wanda, Steve, and Tony all tired out. The trio made a pallet on the living room floor, and set the toddlers down with their blankets, bottles, and teddy bear. Tony put on a Disney movie and soon everyone except Tony and Peter was asleep.

"Why don't you sleep, Underoos?" Tony said, half asleep himself. Tony couldn't remember the last time he went to sleep, so it was catching up on him.

"Nwightmeres," Peter tried to annuitie. It failed but it made Tony smile. Tony went to pick Peter up, so Peter was laying on Tony's chest. Tony had his feet propped up on Steve's lap with Wanda leaning on Steve's shoulder. Peter and Tony were soon asleep with everyone else.

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