Who Helps in the Darkest Hours

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** Suicide Attempt, but it's not Peter**

The police had no idea how to stop the girl. She cried at the edge of the bridge, ready to end it all without much of a care. The police wanted no suicides in New York, but this one girl wouldn't listen to anything they said. It was a selfish reason why the police were helping. But when Spider-Man arrived, he just wanted to save the girl.

There was two soft thuds as Spider-Man swung onto the bridge beside the teary eyed girl. She had long brown hair that whipped around her face and dull blue eyes.

"Come to stop me?" She said bitterly. Why would a hero care for her life when no did?

"No. I can't stop you, even if I want to. But I do want to know why you're taking such drastic measures to solve your problems," Spider-Man said sitting criss cross apple sauce on the metal bridge.

The girl hesitantly sat down, letting her feet dangle off the side. She looked far out into the sky before answering. "Everything has just become so dull. I barely feel emotions, and colors and sounds have less depth than they once did. I'm sick and tired of feeling like this."

"I felt that way. Once. A couple months ago to be exact. My life was just one dull moment after another, one fake smile after another. But I survived. And so can you. I didn't have help then, but nowadays I do. That's why I haven't fallen again," Spider-Man said.

"You? But you're a hero! You save the day and everyone loves you!" The girl argued.

"Not everyone. Most people say I'm a menace, a few say I'm a murderer. Once, I believed them. I blamed myself for even that 1% of crime in New York. Being a hero doesn't make me invincible. Right now, I know how to stitch my own wounds. But back then, I didn't know how to fix my emotional and mental issues," Spider-Man shrugged.

"H-how'd you do it?" The girl whispered, still not believing the hero had once felt the way she was feeling then.

"I looked on the bright side. I forced myself to be optimistic. It worked because I found hobbies I enjoyed, which led me to new friends," Spider-Man nodded.

The girl took a deep breath, before putting her legs on the bridge again. "Will you help me down?"

Underneath the mask, Peter smiled. "Of course." Spider-Man and the girl came down to the street, where the girls parents hugged their daughter. Spider-Man left the scene going into an alleyway. Spider-Man took off his mask, wiping blood from his lips.

"I'm proud of you, Underoos."

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