This Isn't Love

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Part two of Mental Abuse ↑


"Hey, Aunt May," Peter said quietly walking into the apartment. His aunt was currently waiting for him, her impatience showing.

"Where were you?" Aunt May said opening a bottle and taking a long drink of it. She kept tapping her foot, just to show that she was impatient and Peter was wasting her time. She always made Peter feel that way.

"I was at the tower for my internship," Peter said quietly, not wanting to upset May any further. He had a good day, he didn't want May to ruin it.

"Mmm... Okay, I don't want you going anymore," May said taking another long sip, before turning to walk away. Peter felt his breath hitch in his breath, she couldn't do that, could she?

"But, Aunt May-"

"Shut up, Peter. What I say is final, and you're not going back. You're going to quit," Aunt May said dismissing whatever argument Peter was going to come up with.

"Please, Aunt May, I do good work there. Me and Mr. Stark are solving real world problems, like energy crisis and droughts, " Peter said naming off a few projects he had the honor to work on.

"Peter, you don't do anything. Tony Stark does all the work and you know it. Just quit so he can get a better intern that can actually do some good in the world," May said as if Peter was the one that was causing the problems.

"Please, Aunt May, I'll do anything," Peter said. The tower was his safe haven. After May pulled him out of school, the tower was the only time he was allowed out into the world. He couldn't give that up.

"Ugh. You're too sensitive, Peter. You're just quitting a job, not giving up your entire life. You see, those people in the tower are always treating you like a baby and now you are acting like one," May said in disbelief as she rolled her eyes. "I'm done arguing, Peter. You're quitting, and that's final."

Peter felt his lip tremble as he slowly went back to his room. May just scoffed as she got another drink to drown down. Peter didn't know he was crying, until he was sliding down the door, grabbing a stuffed animal. The only reason Peter had one was because the bear would give him hugs whenever Peter needed one. The bear wouldn't tell him that any thing Peter had accomplished could have been done without him. In some ways, the bear was a better caretaker than Aunt May was.

Peter felt his phone vibrate. It hadn't done that in awhile, not since Peter had actually went to school. Peter pulled out his phone, seeing that it was Tony who was calling him. He sighed as he pressed the answer button.

"Okay, before you say anything, answer this questions. Does your Aunt May humiliate you on purpose?"

"Sometimes." Peter said deciding to be truthful. He didn't understand what Tony was doing or what he was talking about, so Peter didn't see the harm in answering.

"Has she called you 'too sensitive'?"


"Belittles your dreams, hopes, or accomplishments?"

"Not too often." Peter tried to defend Aunt May.

"Has she controlled your or your behavior?" Tony asked his voice growing a bit worrisome. "Isolated you from your friends?"

"What friends?" Peter tried to laugh but it came out weird. "But I don't think she exactly controls me. She just tells me what I'm supposed to do, and I usually agree with her."

"Does she point out your flaws?" Tony said after a long while of silence. Back at the tower, Tony couldn't help but look wide eyed at the other Avengers. Peter was sounding more and more like he was mentally and emotionally abused.

"She doesn't have to," Peter said quietly, not sure if Tony even heard him. Peter hoped Tony didn't hear him. Peter hadn't meant to say that it just came out. Unfortunately, it was still the truth.

"Peter, who the Hell do you think your talking to?" May said pounding on the door, making Peter flinch. Tony held his breath as he put the phone on speaker phone allowing all the Avengers to hear.

"I- I was just telling Mr- Mr. Stark that I was quitting like you said I should," Peter said, dropping the phone as he stood up to face May.

"Well, you should be done by now. Anyways, I'm going to work. You better not leave, Peter, or no food for two days," May said slamming the door, making Peter let out a yelp. He just didn't like the noise.

"Peter, listen here, your Aunt May doesn't love you. She's abusing you," Tony said making Peter flinch at the sudden voice.

"But where am I supposed to go? Everyone that cares about me is dead," Peter said sadly as tears filled his eyes. If only his Uncle Ben was alive, maybe then Peter could still work at Stark Industries.

"Kid, we all care about you. So, please, please come here with us," Tony said. He knew what it was like to be neglected, and he didn't want the kid to have to go through the same thing.

"How? She's barred my windows, took my suit, has all the doors locked with alarms. There's no way out," Peter said in defeat, not realizing how bad that sounded.

"I'll come and get you. Right now actually," Tony said handing the phone to Steve before calling on his suit and flying out the window. Steve just stared at the phone, wondering how in the world this kid was surviving with that kind of strain in his confidence and hopes.

Peter almost screamed as the window broke, but instead found himself squeezing his bear. He didn't care if he looked like baby. He was a teenager, on his knees with his legs pointing somewhat outward, hugging a teddy bear as tears came down his face. He thought he looked like a childish teen who was scared of noises, but Tony didn't seem to see that.

There will be a part three, don't worry.

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