the Very Sad Chapter 100

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This is a sad chapter. And it has trigger warnings for abandonment, suicide, mental health, and other things. Do not read if you are faint of heart.


"This place makes me sick," Tony said looking around the very dark and grim world. They had a mission to check out a mental institution. Going there, they were disgusted by what they found.

Ivy grew on the walls, dead children were tied to fences, and the inside was the worst. The inhabitants of the institution all found ways to kill themselves. This place must have been terrible to them for them all to end there lives. But FRIDAY said that there was one living person here, and Tony was determined to find them before they left the Earth to.

"I don't want to imagine what there life was like," Natasha commented behind him. She looked through the bars of one door to see a dead mother clutching a dead child. They were obviously treated as prisoners and not people who needed help and treatments.

"This door," Tony said looking at the door at the end of the hall. Words were marked on the door, bad ones. Some that made the child out to be a demon, others that just were cruel.

Tony opened the door, and almost vomited. Blood was dried all over the walls and floor. Unsanitary knives and needles scattered the floor. There was a cage off to the side. But what his eyes focused on was the teenager in the middle.

His ankles were locked up in metal cuffs that hung tightly to the wall. His neck and wrists were also hung up. Something like a muzzle but more designed for humans was against his mouth. His chest was bare, revealing terrible, blood soaked wounds and it revealed ribs. The teenager was desperately clawing at his own wrists, trying to hard to escape this Hell he never wanted to call home.

"Oh my God," Natasha whispered putting a hand over her mouth. The teenager looked up, frantically pushing himself against the wall. He tried to scream, but the muzzle wouldn't let him do anything.

"Hey, were not here to hurt you. We want to take you away from here. Far as we can go from here, actually. Will you let us?" Tony asked calmly putting his hands out as he slowly approached the child. The teen didn't do anything at first, but when he tried to move forwards, he yelped and was out cold.

Tony sighed as he blasted the chains away. He carefully picked up the child, hoping not to hurt him. Natasha watched before slamming the door shut behind them as they walked out. The muzzle was still on because Tony couldn't blast it without hurting the child, so Bruce was overwhelmed at the sight when Tony sat the boy down on the medical table.


Bruce came out of surgery with good and a lot of bad news. The good news was the boy would heal just fine. The bad news was the file Bruce held in his hands.

"Peter Benjamin Parker, age 15, was admitted into the Physiological and Mental Improvement Institution when he was five years old. He was admitted to get over the death of his parents because he became emotional detached from the world. Before he could be picked up by his guardians, however, they were killed. That along with the sudden death of Peter's nurse led the people of the institution to believe he had physiologic problems and that he was a Demon. This led to his... cruel treatment," Bruce read.

"That facility was low on budget so no one could have the proper treatment they needed. Those dead children on the fence was an act done because kids released outside would try to kill themselves. One week ago, the nurses discovered every patient had created a suicide movement because they didn't like there life. But Peter wasn't allowed an physical contact, and the only social contact he received was the nurses and doctors," Bruce finished.

"What became of the nurses and doctors?" Tony asked fists clenched. Who would do something like this to a child? Peter wouldn't have had any sort of physical contact since he was five. No hugs, no kisses, nothing a Mother or Father did for their child. And that was just one case, what about everyone else?

"They were all found, and put in high level security. They kidnapped this people, they put them on medications that wouldn't have been tested yet, they did bad things. Who knows what's going to happen when Peter wakes up," Bruce frowned.


Peter tried to kill himself when he woke up.

Bruce stopped him, and Tony talked to the young boy. Peter wasn't insane, he thought rationally. But he wasn't emotionally stable. Peter wanted to be hugged, but he didn't want anyone to touch him. He wanted to yell and scream, but he didn't want to hear any noise. Basically, Peter wasn't fit to go out into the real world.

But Peter became sort of attached to Tony. He kept a distance away from the scientist, but he was always where Tony was. Bruce said that it was like a mama bird thing. Tony was the first person to show any real kindness to Peter, thus Peter thought of Tony as a parental figure.

So instead of shunning him out, Tony invited Peter to be his shadow. Peter slowly was able to stand beside Tony, and soon enough Tony was able to touch Peter.

The other Avengers found themselves liking the teen. He was like a child, always curious about the world around him. And Peter loved stories, fiction or not. Any type of story, it didn't matter to Peter.

Peter also liked watching Steve draw. Bruce didn't have a reason why Peter liked this, but he did so Steve wasn't going to complain. Steve even showed Peter a few tips when it came to drawing.

Peter slowly became a vital part in keeping the Avengers together. They liked seeing the teenager grow up in front of their eyes. Peter was curious, compassionate, smart, clever, musically talented, and he absolutely loved science.

And Tony realised the people at the institution were wrong. Peter wasn't a Demon, he was an Angel.

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