Killed Someone For You

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Alec Benjamin, people. Listen to his song "Must Have Been The Wind" perfection!

"I'm sorry that I did this the blood is on my hands. I stare at my reflection, I don't know who I am," Peter sang staring at his face in the mirror, almost expressionless. "Practice my confession, in case I take the stand. I'll say I learned my lesson, I'll be a better man."

"I'm packing up my things, and wiping down the walls," Peter said, holding his bag and running a cloth over the bathroom walls. "I'm rinsing off my cloths, and I'm walking down the halls."

"I did it all for her, so I felt nothing at all! I don't know what she'll say, I'll ask her when she calls!" Peter sang, swinging out the hallway window. "Would you love me more if I killed someone for you? Would you hold my hand, they're the same ones that I used! When I killed someone for you! Would you turn me in, when they say I'm the loose? Would you hide me when my face is on the news? Cause I killed someone for you!"

Peter landed, getting into a car, even though he heard the police coming. Peter sat down, buckling in to leave the Avengers Tower. He tried to put on a disguise, just blue eyed contacts and blonde hair, as he drove away, hoping he wasn't caught. "I hear the sirens coming, I see the flashing lights. I'm driving through the suburbs, wearing my disguise."

Peter parked his car by her house, running to the door. "I show up at her doorstep, to look her in the eyes. I tell her that it's me, but she doesn't recognize. Can't you see I'm running? Said I need a place to hide. I gotta ask you something, can you please let me inside? Just let me explain, no, I wouldn't tell you lies! I know you'll understand, if you let me stay the night!"

Sadie Jackson, his girlfriend, just stared at Peter in disbelief, wanting to scream at him to turn himself in. Peter talked before she could though, "Would you love me more, if I killed someone for you? Would you hold my hand, they're the same ones that I used, when I killed someone for you."

"Would you turn me in, when they say I'm on the loose? Would you hide me when my face is on the news," Peter said staring at the television that was on the news. "Cause I killed someone for you."

The news had the picture of Peter Parker, and how the Avengers were looking for his killer. Sadie thought Peter was dead, but it was all fake.

"You have to understand that, the one I killed is me," Peter said remembering how he coated his favorite clothes in blood, wiping the walls in it as well. "Changing what I was for what you wanted me to be."

"I followed your direction, did everything you asked," Peter sang, knowing that Sadie wanted him to stop being an Avenger, and to cut off connections with the Avengers. "I hope it makes you happy, cause there's just no turning back."

"Would you love me more, if I killed someone for you? Would you hold my hand, they're the same ones that I used, when I killed someone for you," Peter sang. "Would turn me in when they say I'm on the loose? Would you hide me when my face is on the news? Cause I killed someone for you."

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