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Peter Parker was really proud of himself. He was getting some awards at an award ceremony. Peter was just so proud that he invited the Avengers without thinking. Tony even agreed to pick Peter up after.

*** A nameless time skip***

Peter looked out into the crowd from behind the red velvet curtain. Peter scanned the crowd but he didn't see the Avengers at all. Peter sighed knowing that they weren't going to come. Peter didn't even know why he invited them.

Peter got his awards, and pretended to be happy. He joked around with Ned and rolled his eyes at MJ. Peter looked great in his suit, but Peter couldn't bring himself to really be happy. The Avengers, the people he thought was his second family, and Aunt May wasn't there.

Everyone filed out of the auditorium. Peter sat on the steps of the school waiting for Tony. All the students went to their cars laughing with their family. Peter just waited fidgeting with the medal he had gotten. Soon, all the families were gone and Peter was the only one left. Peter sighed as he walked home, making up excuses as to why the Avengers weren't there.

***Next Night***

The Avengers were in suits and in dresses driving to Midtown Tech. The car was noisy with the Avengers trying to look decent at most. Tony was driving so he had control of the radio.

When the Avengers got to Midtown, they were surprised by the lack of people. More like, no one was there besides them. Well, them and a student taking down flyers.

Steve got out first in his suit and talked to the teenager. The teen gestured to the signs and started talking. Steve gestured to the van, and the teen shook her head. Steve returned looking shocked. "The ceremony was Friday night. It's Saturday. That means the ceremony was yesterday, and no one was there for Peter."

Tony cursed under his breath before he started driving again. The Avengers looked at him curiously before he answered. "We're going to Queens."

**** While that was happening****

May Parker just got home from a long, long shift. May went straight to Peter's room, and as she got closer she heard crying. "Hey, Pete. How was the ceremony?"

Peter shuffled to the door. He opened it to reveal his puffy cheeks. "No one showed. I should've known they wouldn't be there, but I still had hope."

May hugged Peter letting him cry in her shoulder. The doorbell rang and May went to answer it. At the doorway stood all of the Avengers. May sighed before she let them in. The Avengers made a beeline for Peter's room, and the Avengers with super hearing heard a few whimpers and sighs. The Avengers opened the door to see Peter sitting on his bed.

"Hey, Underoos," Tony said softly, surprising the Avengers. "We're sorry. We thought the ceremony was tonight. We did try to make it."

Tony ruffled Peter's hair, before Peter gave Tony a hug. Tony just rubbed the teen's back making the Avengers question the
mentor\intern relationship, instead seeing a father\son bond.

"We are sorry," Natasha said coming closer. Natasha stood behind Tony so she could face Peter.

"You guys look amazing. I could barely tie my tie," Peter said getting a few chuckles. Even though they laughed, they knew it was probably true.

"Well, come on, Underoos, let's go to the lab," Tony said and him and the Avengers left.

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