Are You Ready?

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"Any moment know, your highness," Peter joked turning to face the window, staring out at the party of people that had collected to take him down. Peter scoffed at it, there was no way he was going to go down, not without a fight.

"Believe me, I know, I've sunk pretty low, but whatever I've done, you deserve," Peter called to the red head who was sitting in chains right behind him, right next to the blonde man.

"Peter!" Natasha called, hoping to break whatever trance the shadows had on him. His heart and mind where corrupted, but hopefully not consumed, not entirely. Natasha only had to find a way to break through, to talk to Peter Parker, not this version of Spider-Man.

"Quiet!" Peter yelled, dismissing Natasha entirely. "I'm the bad guy, that's fine, it's no fault of mine, and some justice at last be served."

"Please listen," Natasha begged, trying anything at this point to stop the dark soul that was before her. Peter was about to do something he would regret, and Natasha couldn't just stand by. Natasha didn't just want to protect the city, she wanted to protect Peter.

"And it's time to step up, or it's time to back down, and there's only one answer for me. And I'll stand up and fight, 'cause I know that I'm right!" Peter called out, fastening a black cloak onto his new outfit. In the middle of the cloak, easy for Natasha to see was a blood red symbol of the spider, a mere fragment of his past. "And I'm ready, I'm ready!"

"Ready as I'll ever be," Peter sang walking back to the window to see the army coming for him. Peter only smiled at it.


"Now it's time to rise up or it's time to stand down, and the answer is easy to see. And I swear by the shield, if you're in, get on board, are you ready?" Steve sang to the people, trying to get them all ready for the fight. The Avengers and their allies stood ready to take back the city.

"I'm ready!" Bucky supported his friend, happy when the people called out that they were also ready.

"Ready as I'll ever be," Steve sang out turning to face his friend, Tony, who just stood, staring at the city. Steve looked upwards, finding Avengers tower on the horizon.

"Are you quite sure we can do this?" Clint asked Natasha quietly in the Tower. He was starting to lose faith that Peter could be redeemed.

"Together we will guarantee," Natasha sang back, giving a small smile to Clint, them both ready for whatever was to come.

"I'll make them hear me," Peter swore into the night sky, the moon and stars being a witness to his promise.

"Prove they trust me," Steve sang knowing that some of the heroes didn't trust Steve when he said that Peter could, and would, be redeemed, no matter the cost.

"I'll save my home and family," Tony sang quietly, clutching his helmet in his fists. His promise was also under the moon, being witnessed by the stars alone.

"Now the lines in the sand, and our moments at hand!" The people chanted as they ran into the city at full speed.

"I'm ready!" Bucky called as the shadow spirits started appearing, the first wave running towards them as well.

"I'm ready!" Steve sang charging into the first spirit, the others soon following until the war had started between the Avengers and the Spirits, Iron Man vs. Spider-Man.

"I'm ready," Tony said blasting above the battle, straight to the Tower, ready to face his son for the entire city.

"Ready as I'll ever be," Peter sang, his eyes becoming pure black pools in the reflection of his sword blade.

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