Can't Stop Singing

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Strictly a platonic relationship

"What's going on?
This can't be happening!
Don't tell me it's a song," Wanda Maximoff sang out on the beach. The rest of the Avengers were somewhere else leaving her and Peter.

"It's a song," Peter confirmed.

"This wasn't how I planned it!
Can't you see this has gone to far!
Please just pause the DVR!!
Someone won't you make it Stop!"
Wanda sang started to dance uncontrollably.

"I'm losing my mind!" Wanda complained in song form.

"I don't see you're problem," Peter sang with a shrug still not quite sure what was happening and why Wanda was reacting the way she was.

"Everything I say, it rhymes!...
There goes another line..." Wanda sand in sorrow.

"Just close your eyes
if you don't want to see!" Peter said covering Wanda's eyes for her. But Wanda pushed his hands away.

"What's these choreography?!" Wanda said going into a dance montage type thing with Peter at her side, somewhat doing the same thing as her. "Someone won't you make it stop?"

"Oh- I can't stop singing!
Make it stop!
Make it stop!
Am I real or just a prop?
Oh- I can't stop singing!
So let's just talk!"
they sang together at the same time.

"Talk, talk," Wanda sang by herself now. "It's just a song,
An inefficient way to move the story along!
I'm dying-" her hands covered her mouth without her permission.

"You're just be cynical," Peter sang, actually kinda enjoying the singing, even if it was against his will. He couldn't exactly stop when he wanted and his limbs moved of their own agenda. But it was kind of fun.

"No, it's just the principle," Wanda argued, trying to convince Peter that this wasn't at all right. "Someone won't you make it, make it stop!"

"Don't make it stop!" Peter said, having some line that wasn't strictly music. Speaking of music, where was that music coming from? Peter spotted a man with a ukulele, but there had to be more people playing, right?

"Oh- I can't stop singing!
Make it stop!
Make it stop!
Am I real or just a prop?
Ohhh, I can't stop singing!
So let's just talk!" They sang. Then they went back and forth repeating 'talk' willing themselves to say it instead of singing it. But they were failing pretty horribly.

"We're trapped inside a musical!" Wanda sang, again trying to convince Peter of the severity of their situation.

"At least I'm here with you," Peter sang, ever the optimist. Of course Wanda didn't mind being trapped in a musical with Peter, she just didn't want to be stuck in a musical in general. "I don't want to make it stop..."

"Oh- I can't stop singing!
Make it stop! 
Make it stop!
Am I real or just a prop?
Ohhh I can't stop singing!
Does it stop?
Does it stop?
Is it ever gonna stop?!
Oh- I can't stop singing!
So let's just-" they sang together starting to tap dance on concrete.

"Talk!" Wanda yelled, happily without a tune to back it up. She was out of pointless musical shenanigans. Peter smiled at her, giving a high five, seeing as he was okay with or without the song behind their words.

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