You Killed Him

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Peter Parker sat with his hands folded on the meeting table, his eyes narrowed at the area in front of him. He was silent as SHIELD agents prepared the room for the Rogues. Even after the agents left and the only one left was Nick Fury, Peter sat there. It was perfectly simple.

The Rogues filed in with varying emotions. Some were proud, one angry, a few ashamed, and a bit of curiosity in there. But one thing they all had in common was that they were questioning the presence of a teenage boy.

The accords laid on the table, right in front of Nick Fury, who faced outwards, onto the winding city streets. Nick Fury was just as silent as Peter, but when everyone had settled into their seats, he turned to face the Avengers, everyone except Tony.

Nick Fury talked about how stupid they were, going against each other. He agreed the accords were the dumbest idea Earth has ever had, but Nick told them they handled it like immature brats who didn't care about people or their families and homes. "Now, this boy right here has something to say to all of you so... Be prepared."

Nick left the room, locking it as he did, and the teen stood up, walking towards the window. "I always dreamed of being a hero. Then, I became one because someone told me that with great power comes great responsibility.

"Do you know how sickening it is to know that the people you once looked up to are using their powers for their own gain? Just forgetting about their responsibilities? Because it truly is something disgusting.

"But, let's take it to a more personal level. When you see every one you love die, and it's always a result of your own actions, you become attached to those you can still love. But what happens when that person dies? And at the hands of your childhood hero,no less.

"Mr. Rodgers and Mr. Barnes left Anthony Stark in Siberia. All alone, right after he learned his parents death wasn't an accident. Do you know how I felt when I showed up there to see the great and powerful American shield sticking out of his life supporting arc reactor?

"But you guys care? No! You all left him. And for what? The fact that he wanted citizens to be safe? You all have great power in this room, and when you became heroes, you made an unspoken vow to keep people safe. But all that goes down the drain when someone tries to hold you responsible for someone death.

"But there is a death that I'm holding you responsible for, and that is of Anthony Stark, my soon to be adopted father. Actually, Tony was soon to be a real father.

"During the fight in Siberia, Pepper Stark and I discovered she was pregnant. Not only was she going to be my adopted mother, but she was soon to be a real mother. You can imagine her excitement, you can imagine mine! A family, a real family, and I was going to be apart of that.

"But imagine my pain, my sadness, my rage, when finding out the only person I had left of my crumbling, shattered world had died. Imagine watching the person he loved become so disorganized and refusing to eat and drink. Pepper only slept and cried, and then the baby died. That's what snapped her out of it, and she started taking care of me.

"So, Mr. Rodgers, I hold you responsible for the death of Anthony Stark and Morgan Stark. The other Rogues will be required to stay in the Tower until further notice. Wanda will be forced to train with Doctor Strange, and all of you will be forced to see a therapist once a week," The teen said it all without so much as a sound being made by any of the Avengers, Rogues and the others.

"What's your name?" Natasha asked breaking the silence. It was a long while of just watching the teenager as he stared out the window. All was quiet, but it wasn't peaceful. The words spiraled in the heads of the Avengers, all until the teen spoke again.

"I go by many names to many people. Loser to a friend, menace to New Yorkers, hero to my late aunt, Underoos to Tony, Little Stark to Pepper, Spider-Man to the world, Peter Parker to those who know me, but the name I want you all to remember is... Peter Benjamin Stark. I'll see you at the compound, fellow Avengers," Peter said with a grim smile as he walked out of the room. But before he left completely, he found the icy blue eyes of Steve Rodgers. "You killed him, Mr. Rodgers."

Then he left.

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