Mental Abuse

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"Am I doing this right?" Peter said, biting his lip as he looked down at the machine. He had barely started and he was already worried he would mess something up.

"You're fine, Pete," Tony said. For how much Tony had to say that line, Tony was worried that Peter didn't trust himself at all. Even simple tasks, Peter needed Tony to tell him he wasn't messing it up.

"Are- are you sure?"

"God, Peter, yes!" Tony said a little more annoyance in his voice than usual. It wasn't like he was annoyed with the kid, but he was kind of annoyed having to constantly say that.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Stark!" Peter said forgetting the task all together and looking up with pleading eyes. Tony was a bit surprised by Peter's actions. It was a bit sudden how Peter was just begging for Tony to forgive him.

"It's okay, Peter, you're fine," Tony said trying to convince the kid. Peter just nodded, silently getting back to the project. Tony just shook his head, wondering why the kid apologized, and what he apologized for.


Steve stared at the holographic base, trying to figure out the best course of action. They just needed to infiltrate the base, nothing more. Peter spoke up, "We could-"

"What, Peter?" Steve said turning to the teen. Steve came off a little more annoyed than he meant to be, but Steve didn't know if the Peter could come up with a good plan, seeing as he usually just winged it.

"It's nothing, I'm sorry," Peter said looking down, avoiding Steve's gaze, almost as if he was scared. Steve continued looking at Peter a while longer before turning back.


Peter was sitting on the couch watching Clint play a video game. Peter kept coming up with ideas but they weren't helping Clint win at all. "You should-"

"Just shut up, Peter!" Clint said, tired of all the ideas. He just wanted to think and solve the problem himself.

Peter's lip started trembling as if he was going to cry. Actually, looking at his eyes, Clint was sure Peter was going to cry. "I'm sorry, Mr. Barton, let's please not fight."

Fighting? Clint thought confused. They barely had a disagreement, why were they going to start arguing? And over what exactly? Clint just shook his head, going back into the game.


"Has anyone noticed Peter's strange behavior?" Bruce said later that day while they were eating dinner. Peter had already gone home to his Aunt May, so he wouldn't over hear they're conversation.

"Yeah, he's been apologizing a lot. And I don't think he trusts himself to do anything," Tony said with a shrug.

"Also, he thinks every differing opinion is going to turn into a fight," Clint added, remembering every time that had happened.

"And he wouldn't tell me what his opinion was for something," Steve said, starting to get concerned for the young spider.

"Guys, that's signs for mental abuse," Natasha said. After seeing their confused looks, she got her laptop to show them. "Constantly apologizing, hiding their feelings to not upset you, breaking down after every little disagreement, and hiding their opinions."

"But who's abusing him?"

"The only person that can. His Aunt May." Tony said.

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