Peter Quill jr.

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* Thanos. Peter Parker is Peter Quill's and Gamora's only child who is named Peter Quill Jr.*

Peter Quill Jr. looked up at the big, purple titan. "Hello, young one, I am Thanos, your grandfather on your mother's side."

"Momma said her parents had died when a titan killed half her planet," Peter said being the sweet little eight year old he was.

"I saved her planet, Peter. The kids would go home hungry and most without beds. I saved them from themselves. Now, the planet prospers," Thanos said. "I adopted your mother."

Peter nodded. "Why didn't you just move the families to a different planet? Then, they could stay with their family and have enough resources."

"You are quite the problem solver, aren't you?" Thanos laughed getting down to his knee. Thanos pulled out a knife with a ruby design on the hilt. "The knife will only stay balanced if there is equal weight on each side. There must be an equal amount of people as there is resources."

Thanos put the knife on Peter's finger as he explained. When he said the final part he moved the knife so it fell down. "Oh no. What does that mean?"

"The entire planet died out because there wasn't a balance. Do you see, Peter?" Thanos said. Peter nodded and left with the knife to show his mom.


"Mom? I-I don't feel so good," Peter said. He stumbled towards his mother mumbling about how he didn't want to go.

"I'm sorry," Peter muttered turning to dust in Gamora's arms. Gamora let out a sob as she watched her baby boy disappearing. Where he was before laid a knife with a ruby hilt.

"You will pay for this, father."

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