I couldn't Take It

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Trigger Warning

Peter's Perspective

Even stepping into my home, Peter could hear the buzzing of the heart monitor as it stopped receiving a heartbeat. It wouldn't leave him, just staying in the back of his mind, ringing through his ears.

It was a normal day, Peter was going to Stark tower. He saw my aunt in a store, and went to help her. Peter didn't really care that he would be late, he was sure Tony and Harley would understand, they knew how helpful he always tried to be.

The bullets came quick, and he couldn't do anything but watch. His aunt and him both got hit, and they were rushed to the hospital. It was all fuzzy for Peter, but after a few hours and surgery, they told him if the bullet would've gone half an inch in any direction, he'd be dead.

Half an inch. That much of small space kept Peter from death. It actually seemed funny to him at the time, such a weird thing to happen in any situation. Then, they let him see his aunt...

Back in the present, Peter was sobbing again, crashing into the floor from the strain of trying to hold it all together. He didn't know where he would go, no one would want to take him.

Sure, Peter loved the Stark-Rodgers family, but they couldn't have loved him. They couldn't care about him. He was just some weird intern they knew a bit better than everyone else. More like a family friend than anything special.

Peter pushed himself up as he tried looking around, blinking tears away to no avail. It was pointless to keep trying, he wasn't going to stop being a worthless, sobbing mess. That was why no one would take him, Peter decided, he was just worthless, not worth anything.

Not worth a life, Peter thought. He didn't deserve to live, he decided. That half an inch was a curse, not a blessing, because now Peter was alone, and no one would love or care for him again. So, he though, why should I live a pointless life?

Peter walked to the kitchen, grabbing a long knife. He went towards the bathroom, looking around to find medicine bottles. He wasn't thinking straight, forgetting about his fast metabolism that wouldn't care how much he tried to overdose.

Peter waited for death, watching the blood drip from his wrists. He was getting angry when nothing was happening. Tears came down his eyes, but he didn't notice, or even seem to care about that.

Peter looked around his house, finally finding something suitable to use. A rope. He went back to the bathroom, dragging a kitchen chair behind him to use. He fastened the rope to the ceiling using his webbing, thoughts filling his head, trying to justify why he was doing this.

The world would be better, Peter knew that. Everyone would be perfectly okay with this, because there was no one left to care. He wasn't apart of the Stark-Rodgers family, and they just hated him, Peter knew that. Ned and MJ would find a better friend, and Flash would want this anyways. Some other hero would take the place of Spider-Man, a better one than a teenager. Life would move on, Peter knew that, the world wouldn't stop moving for him.

So, that sobbing, probably hysterical mess of Peter Parker clutched the sides of the rope, sobs racking his form. He was feeling calm on the inside, even if he didn't look that way. The reasons he came up with floated around as Peter took one final breath of fresh air, ready to join his aunt in whatever realm she was in.

But Peter failed yet again because the door was opened by Tony Stark. Peter started crying harder, mumbling how he wasn't supposed to be there. He wasn't! Peter had a plan, and here was Tony getting into everything that Peter did like some kind of... like some kind of parent.

Peter came to his knees in the chair, letting go of the rope as the realization hit him hard. Someone cared about him, and he was fixing to hurt Tony, because Peter was just a disgrace. Peter apologized, getting hugged by Tony.

And when Tony made them fly back, Peter kept switching inbetween "I'm sorry" and asking Tony to just drop him. Tony didn't need some troublesome child like Peter, he didn't need even more on his plate, Peter didn't even deserve to have any fraction of Tony's attention.

But throughout the night, between seeing Tony, Steve, Morgan, and even Harley, Peter was a complete sobbing mess. A small part of him didn't think he deserved the attention, but a larger part of him was surprised that anyone, especially a famous family like the Stark-Rodgers, would care about.

Peter was feeling even worse by nights end, knowing that he tried to do something that would hurt the people he loved. And after Morgan and Harley left, Peter expressed this feeling to Tony.

"You guys actually love me, and I... I did this big stupid thing that would've hurt you all, and I'm- I'm just so sorry," Peter said, standing at the doorway of Tony and Steve's room. The latter was tucking Morgan and Harley in, leaving Tony alone.

Tony was standing up in a heartbeat, hugging the sobbing child for the millionth time that night. But Tony couldn't care less about that, comforting his child was his first priority. "Peter, what you did was heartbreaking for me, because I realized that I hadn't been making you feel loved and cared about. Your a teenager yet the world expects you to deal with all this pain like a god, but all you want is to be loved, I know that. And from now on, me and Steve and Morgan and Harley are all going to help you, because we love you. And we're the ones that should be sorry, not you. "

And that's how Peter got adopted.

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