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We are getting closer to the finale but are not there yet. Anyways, I love this song and I hope you do to.


Peter fell to his side, the sword clattering to the floor beside Tony. The Stark was shocked until he saw the face of Wanda Maximoff, her hands dimming down from the red sparks they were making. Wanda used to sword to cut Natasha and Clint's restraints.

"What do we do now?" Clint asked looking around, his gaze stopping at the window where he could see the battle raging on, the Avengers handling it well enough.

"We need to find the good in Peter, and coax it out. That'll break the Shadow King's hold on him," Natasha offered, nodding at Wanda, who was already manipulating her way into Peter's conscious.

*** Inside Peter's head***

"I'm so confounded in this darkness, in the studio of broken dreams," A version of Peter spoke, the black shadows wafting in the air around them.

"And I'm surrounded by the sadness, by every single victims screams!" Peter sang turning around to show the spirits that wandered his mind, howling in pain or laughter.

"Wonders all around, but it ain't your every day playground," Peter called showing them all the mindscape, of shadows with tiny sparkles of light that were barely scene as they were swallowed by the spirits.

"He is watching over, this unbounded roller coaster," Peter said as a card stopped in front of himself, Tony, Wanda, Natasha, and Clint. It was there symbol being swallowed by a black ink. "Every little sound, something happening every time that I look around."

"Journey deeper, fear the reaper, the angel must be uncrowned," Peter sang, the others not knowing how this angel was, probably the Shadow King, though he was more of a demon.

"Oh, I'm not giving him away, not today or any other day," The Peter with black eyes said, behind Peter said, grabbing hold of the other Peter's card, signifying that he had control. "Oh, say goodbye to your old friend, he will never be the same again."

"I feel my self breaking down, but you can't stop me now. I want what was meant to be mine, it's time!" The darkened Peter said, opening his palm to reveal a New York, one covered in wispy shadows of darkness.

"He's not who you think, he's nothing but tainted ink," A shadow spirit said behind the Avengers, making them all turn quickly. "Everything is alright..."

The Shadow spirit started moving closer to the good Peter, the ink eyed one fading into the shadows. "Everything is alright, everything is just fine, everything is alright..."

"So take a stand and fight!" Both the spirit and good Peter sang together, referring to the Avengers and the other spirits.

"Wonders all around, but it ain't your every day playground. We are getting closer, to the end of this vast rollercoaster. Every little sound, something happening every time that I look around," Peter sang the other spirit fading into the shadows, maybe trying to convince the other spirits to fight.

"Journey deeper, fear the reaper, the angel she has been uncrowned," Peter started singing loudly. Though the angel was still unclear at the moment. The Avengers were being ushered out by shadows, even though Wanda was fighting to stay. But they were finally taken away, leaving Peter and the darkness that cleared a path.

Peter followed the path, stopping at the body that laid there. It was of a woman with angel like wings, a sword in her chest, one the Shadow King was still holding the hilt of. "The angel she has been uncrowned."

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