Spider in Star Labs 1

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**Infinity War spoilers. After Nora returns to her timeline.**

Peter Parker remembered the feeling of the stones ripping his entire body apart while his healing factor tried to fix everything. Peter remembered laying in his mentor's arms while he dusted. Peter remembered his final words being, "I'm sorry."

But Peter did not remember how he ended up in a hospital with a red head doctor woman standing off to the side. Peter noticed she kept talking to herself but her eyes glowed blue while a weird voice came out of her.

"Hello?" Peter asked hoping not to startle the woman who probably saved him. The woman looked at Peter before she called in the others.

A few people came in. Two people who looked like father and daughter. A man with long black hair. And a man in a red suit with a lightning bolt logo on it.

"Good morning. My name is Doctor Caitlyn Snow. This is Barry Allen. This is Joe and Iris West. That over there is Cisco Ramon," The red head said smiling at Peter.

"My name is Peter Parker. Where am I? What is this place? Do you know Tony Stark? Or a Doctor Strange? Or some aliens?" Peter asked cocking his head in confusion like a puppy.

"You are in Star Labs in Central City. We don't know those people who talked about, but do you know the Flash? Or Vibe? Or even Killer Frost?" Caitlyn asked.

"No, ma'am, I don't. The last thing I remember was fighting these titan named Thanos. He disappeared and then we all started turning into dust," Peter explained.

"Well, Peter, Cisco here had an... idea. He thought that you were from a different Earth from us. We called it Earth Marvel. The thing is, we can't get you back to that Earth easily," Barry explained.

"Oh," Peter said feeling the tears come to his eyes. He wouldn't be able to get home? But... What about May? And Ned? And even Tony? Would Peter ever see them again? Where was everyone else?

"Hey, please calm down. We will find a way to save you," Barry said. "You know, I'm the fastest man alive known as the Flash. I save people all the time."

"I'm Spider-Man. I have fast reflexes, heightened senses, super strength, a fast metabolism, these web shooters, resistance to most g-forces, fast healing, sticking to things, and a sense that allows me to sense danger before it strikes I call Spidey sense, " Peter said probably leaving something out.

"Wow," Barry laughed. Vibe left saying he was going to work on the plan to get Peter back. Caitlyn said she was going to run a test on Peter's blood. Iris and Joe left to get back to their jobs.

Then an alarm went off. "Meta attack... You want to be Spider-Man on this Earth, Peter?"

Peter looked up in excitement. He was ready to go do something productive. Maybe he could go back home after the attack. Barry was already suited up as was Peter. They put their masks on to become the Flash and Spider-Man.

The Flash ran outside before Peter could even shoot a web. Spider-Man went to open the window, but Iris stopped him by handing him a comm unit. Spider-Man thanked her before shooting a web out of the window to swing through Central City that did remind him a little of New York but not very much.

Spider-Man landed at the site where the Flash was fighting a man who made green portals around him. The Flash would trip into them and trap himself in a continuous loop of falling.

Spider-Man shot up the man after saying, "How much do you save on taxi?"

The man growled before moving his hand under Spider-Man who fell through it. Spider-Man shot a web to pull himself out of that loop but the man sent a portal in front of Spider-Man. Peter was fixing to go through when a flash of red knocked him out of that path.

"Thanks, speedy," Spider-Man laughed before webbing the man up extra. "KAREN, is there a way to knock the man out but not kill him?"

"Yes, sir. Initiating knock out webs," KAREN responded and shot a web from Peter's wrist without his permission. The web knocked the man out, and Spider-Man laughed.

A crowd had gathered, taking a lot of photos. People were asking who Spider-Man was and if the Flash had another side kick. The Flash grabbed the villain before running away. Spider-Man shrugged and bowed before swinging away.


"Are we sure he's portals will return me to Earth Marvel?" Peter asked eyeing the green portal the Flash team said would take him home.

"Yes, Spider teen," Cisco said winking. Peter sighed but was glad he wasn't called Spider kid.

"You did good, Peter. You're a great hero for your Earth. I hope we can meet again," Barry said.

"Yeah, I'd love to study your forensic more," Caitlyn commented looking at the results from his blood sample.

Peter laughed. "I know we'll meet again. Parker Luck is terrible." Than, Peter jumped through the portal landing in Earth Marvel, his Earth.

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