He couldn't take it, Steve

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Steve's Perspective

Trigger Warning

Steve thought he was the happiest with his husband, Tony Stark, and his two kids, Harley and Morgan. They were a happy little family, but they grew a little bigger with the sudden appearance of Peter.

When Steve first met the teenager, he saw exactly what made him so loveable to Harley and Tony. His attitude, his manners, his hopes and dreams. Almost like Tony, but more optimistic and hopeful.

So, it made Steve worried that day that Peter just disappeared. Tony was even more worried, and told Steve he was going to investigate, and Steve was glad because he had a feeling something was wrong.

Steve tried making dinner, but that feeling kept nagging at him as he tried to make something, so Steve just settled on making sandwiches. Harley barely at his, Steve knowing he was just as worried. Morgan was confused as to what was happening, the worrisome energy in the air being felt by everyone.

Steve's phone went off, Tony calling him. Steve lifted the phone to his ear, listening to Tony who started explaining the situation. "Peter's aunt died, and he... he tried to kill himself. I think he still is, I don't think he understands we care about him. I... I'm coming with him, can you explain the situation to Morgan and Harley while I try and help him?"

Steve felt his blood run cold as he imagined what Peter felt like. Steve always thought they made it clear how much they loved Peter, but maybe Peter had doubts this entire time. Maybe Peter couldn't understand that someone would love him, and Steve felt even worse about that. Maybe they should have actually told him that, instead of trying, and apparently failing, to imply it. But that didn't matter right now, what mattered was telling Harley and Morgan. 

When Steve walked out of the kitchen, Harley was standing there watching Tony fly in with Peter in his arms. Peter looked so fragile as he begged for forgiveness while sobbing into Tony. Steve felt his heart clutch together as he saw Tony wipe his tears away, trying to act strong for Peter, and maybe even Harley.

"Hey, Harley, get your sister and met me in me and Tony's room," I said quietly after Tony and Peter passed, going to his room. Steve saw how Harley froze, trying to regain his senses before he went to get Morgan.

Steve hated the way Harley looked after Steve started talking, because his son was expressing the same feelings Steve had felt before. And Steve wanted to cry when Morgan questioned how much Peter loved them. Steve tried to convince her that Peter loved them, but that he just didn't understand that they loved him.

Harley and Morgan waited outside Peter's door as Steve walked in. Tony was watching Peter who just sat on his bed, emotionless. Peter looked up to met Steve's calm eyes, and started to break down again.

Steve hugged Peter, reassuring him that it wasn't his fault, and that Steve loved him. Peter shook his head, trying to deny that fact, but his trembling form didn't push against Steve. "I really do love you, Peter."

It was a few moments of silence as Peter got his sobs to go down into hiccups. "I love you, too."

And that's how Peter got adopted.

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