Playing With Fire

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This is actually about my mascot, the OC Emma Smoke. Emma has fire powers (a pyrokinetic) and has a differing past based on her universe. Basically, Emma can jump into different universes, including the Marvel


Emma Smoke, one of the younger Avengers, stood right beside Tony Stark as they faced the Rogue Avengers at the airport. Emma looked into the eyes of Steve Rodgers, the man she always saw as a father figure.

Emma was with HYDRA when she was younger, being saved alongside Wanda and Pietro Maximoff, although Emma barely knew the two mutants. Despite it appearing that way, Emma wasn't a mutant, even though she had her powers from birth.

And now here she was, locked into the battle of the Civil War. Emma didn't like the accords, but that wasn't what she was fighting against. Diablo Rojo (her alias) was fighting against Steve Rodgers.

Emma started to walk forwards with her team, eventually falling into a run. When they came into contact with the Rogues, Diablo Rojo started attacking the Scarlett Witch.

Though their personalities could be vastly different at times, Emma had always made an effort to develop a friendship with Wanda, only for Wanda to always distance herself. Emma knew why Wanda did it, but Emma never saw it as a driving force for Wanda's fight against Tony.

"You need to stop," Emma commented as she swerved her legs making Wanda fall to the ground. Emma brought down a pair of cuffs, only for Wanda to telekinetically stop them as they were inches from her wrists.

Emma looked up, grabbing an arrow that was aimed at her, melting it into ashes that blew away in the wind. The Scarlett Witch pushed the Diablo Rojo across the field with her powers, Emma having to roll to a stop.

Emma stayed there as Ant-Man grew in size to a giant. Emma saw that War Machine and Spider-Man were taking care of that. But out of the corner of her eyes, Emma saw that Steve and the Winter Soldier, the man Steve was protecting, were escaping to a plane. Emma let out a sigh as she ran forwards to stop them.

"Stop!" Emma called to them, watching them stop to look at her. Steve let out a sigh upon seeing her, not wanting to fight her. But Emma didn't care if they had to fight, she just knew that no one could seek a fight out. Thor taught her that one.

"Emma, please, let us go," Steve pleaded, but Emma just waved her hands, having a ring of fire rise around Steve and Bucky, not only trapping them in place, but also keeping them from each other.

Emma was going to hold them there, but something entered her back making her fall to the ground. It was electricity, a Widow's Bite. Emma turned around, sending a wave of fire at the Black Widow, who fell to ground, unconscious. Emma stood up, turning again to see that Steve and The Winter Soldier had escaped.


"They escaped. I had them, but the Black Widow used her Widow's Bite on me," Emma said later, sitting on the couch beside Tony who just nodded, drinking his alcohol.

"Her name is Natasha, you know that, Emma," Tony remarked taking note of how angry Emma sounded. Tony should have guessed Emma would feel this way, but it was still a surprise.

"No, the Black Widow doesn't deserve to be named after what she did," Emma said, a fire lighting up in her scarlett red eyes. Emma stood up, staring out into the night, wondering where Steve, Bucky, and Natasha were at that moment. The other Rogues were locked up on the Raft, except Scott and Clint who accepted a house arrest.

"Emma, I know you feel-"

"Abandoned, I feel abandoned. Because Steve gave up everything and everyone for his one friend that isn't going to get the proper help he needs. Steve gave up on me," Emma said, her hands clenching into fists.

"I know that you love Steve and Natasha like-"

"And you. The three of you saved me from my life, my past, that one day at the HYDRA base. And I was more than grateful, I started to see you three as role models and even parents," Emma revealed, leaving Tony in a stunned silence as she went to bed.


"No!" Emma yelled as she saw the SHIELD sticking out of Tony's arc reactor. Emma turned to see Cap and the Winter Soldier running away from their crime. Emma wasn't about to allow that.

Emma ran into the winter day, pulling out her two katanas that busted into flames on the blade. Emma ran faster past them, snow melting underneath her boots, as she turned to face the two super soldiers.

Bucky put his metal arm up to stop Emma from continuing, but Emma just slammed her katana down, watching it melt off the part around the elbow, making that part fall off. Emma kicked the Winter Soldier to the ground, making a ring of fire to keep him there on the ground.

Emma then kicked Steve in the stomach, watching him hunch over as she slammed her katana into his back, watching him fall to the ground on his stomach. Emma put one katana up as she flipped Steve on his back, setting her knee on his lower chest.

"I should stick this flaming katana through your chest just like how you stuck your shield in Tony's arc reactor," Emma said quietly, her eyes lighting up like an ember. "But I won't because I'm not like you. I'm a hero, not selfish."

Emma dragged Steve and Bucky to the SHIELD helicarrair that Emma had called. They were currently loading Tony in to get him medical treatment. They had a special place for Steve and Bucky.


"You want to talk to them?" Nick asked as Emma peered into the glass wall that showed a conference room with the Avengers on one side and the Rogues on the other side.

"No, I never even want to see them again, yet I came here only because Tony asked me to," Emma said shaking her head as her eyes caught Steve's. His blue eyes were pleading, but Emma's eyes were just distant.

Emma then proceeded to walk into the room.

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