I so want to write this as a book

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Claire Caga walked into the Avengers tower, clutching her dark gray and black jacket like her life depended on it. She had her black hoodie pulled low over her dark brown hair, her doe brown eyes searching for something. Anything.

Claire was able to slip past the security to get to the elevator, where a boy with the brown hair and eyes standing on the other side, messing around with his Stark phone. Claire didn't even have a phone, let alone a new and fancy one.

"Where are you going?" The boy asked with a kind smile, staring at Claire with nothing less than compassion in his eyes. Claire swallowed hard, trying to figure out a good, decent answer.

"I need to talk to someone e about something..." Claire shrugged stepping to press the button to a random floor, instead touching the cold metal panel behind it. Claire tried to pull away, but her hand was sticking to the panel. Claire gave a hard pull,the panel coming off with her hand.

"Hey, just relax. Think happy thoughts," the boy said grabbing the edges of the panels, tugging slightly to see that it really was sticking. Claire nodded, taking deep breaths to relax. After awhile, the panel came off her hand, being held in the boys.

"I got hit by a spider in an alley, and now I'm stinking to everything. I was gonna see if I could find Spider-Man, and ask him if he would explain some of his spider quirks to me," Claire said, embarrassed that she couldn't keep her secret.

"Lucky for you, I'm Spider-Man," The boy said, pointing downwards where a web attached itself to Claire's shoes, but something in Claire told her to jump back. She did, landing on the wall, her hands and feet sticking onto the elevator wall.

"That force that told you to jump back is called Spidey Sense. Let's you know when danger is coming before it comes," The teenager said yanking the web up,back into his shooter. A new installment to the young Spider's shooters.

Claire slowly got down from her position on the wall, using the relaxation trick again to keep from falling flat on her face. The teenager smiled at her putting out his hand, "Peter Parker, Spider-Man."


Claire began her spider training with Peter that very day, going through everything. Peter taught Claire how to web shoot around the gym using the tall roofs as an advantage. Peter helped Claire get a grip on her metabolism, supplying her with plenty of food. Peter taught Claire how to use Spidey sense by masking all her senses and shooting webs at her. Peter even started working on a suit for Claire.

At first, the Avengers didn't know what to make of the orphan named Claire Caga, but she soon showed signs of being like Peter. Smart, sarcastic, quippy, hilarious, and just as self sacrificing. Claire was more agressive than Peter, but she had that under control for the most part.

And the Avengers soon figures out how useful it was to have Spider-Man's powers, but also how hard it was. Peter taught Claire everything on first aid, and stuff about bullet and stab wounds. Peter had to help Claire through her first sensory overload, something that the Avengers hated to see. And they hated how Peter knew exactly what to say.

"Number one rule of Spider-Man, always get back up," Peter said after defeating Claire yet again in hand to hand combat. Claire was tired out as she laid on the floor in her own sweat.

"I can't."

"Yes, you can."

"No, Peter, I can't. I don't know how you do it."

"Claire, I'm going to tell you some things," Peter said with a sigh, sitting criss cross Apple sauce beside her. "My parents died in a plane crash when I was younger, and I got back up. I was raped by a friend, and I got back up. My uncle was shot in front of me, and I got back up. My best friend who became a villain killed the person I loved in front of me, and I got back up. I almost drowned, had a building crashed on me, got mentally manipulated, and got punched and punched and punched. But I always got back up. Because at the end of the day, there are people out there who need you."

Claire stated at Peter, noting her lip before pushing herself back up. "Than let's get back up again."


Claire had a suit like Spider-Man's, but with a red sash around her waist that came down to her feet at one point. The mask also didn't cover her hair, letting it flow free. But the Red and blue figure was ready for day one of Spideress, the name she chose.

And they just flipped through the city, Claire screaming at first but eventually found it fun. They stopped a few crimes, giving Claire chance to test her skills. And she was a fine Spideress.

Because she always got back up.

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