Broken Memories

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This is a whole lot of angst with a whole lot of triggering events. but there's spideypool to the rescue!!!


"As a defensive mechanism, Peter has... coated his memories, warping them to be better. To wake him up, you'll need to go in. Find the fault in the memory and destroy it, that will make the memory snap back into place," the doctor said handing all the Avengers a weird hat that was attached to the crib Peter was trapped in.

Peter fell into a coma after getting a head injury that messed with his memories. The Avengers had to fix that to wake the young spider up, but it wouldn't be easy.

**** One****

"It looks normal," Natasha said looking around the small apartment where two people were talking with a little boy they knew was Peter was sitting on the floor, playing with blocks with a smile. The young Peter was around five, the time right before his parents death, Tony knew.

"What! Guys! It's the blocks!" Clint said with excitement as he lifted up a block. Nothing in the memory changed, but the block was glinting with a silver aura. Clint slammed the block down, the silver aura bouncing around the room revealing the real memory.

The couple was arguing loudly, saying threats to each other and a whole lot of cursing. The young Peter stated at them, holding on to his blocks with tears shimmering in his eyes. His father threw an empty alcohol bottle on the ground making the young Peter jump back. The man slammed the door shut behind him.

"That's sad," Clint said looking at the broken block, the one that was always broken in the memory. Peter broke it when he was five, accidentally dropping it as he ran away from the scene.

*** Two****

Peter walked up to his Uncle who was sitting on a reclining chair in a living room watching TV. His uncle looked at him with a smile, reaching out to tinkle Peter. The seven year old laughed, walking backwards so he didn't get tickled. Peter accidentally slipped though, landing on his butt. His uncle laughed with Peter saying, "My clumsy bug."

"There's a bottle with the aura thing," Steve said grabbing onto the dark brown bottle that sat beside the chair, dropping it so it shattered. When the aura cleared, a fearful Peter walked up to his uncle, who backhanded him so Peter fell. His uncle scoffed at Peter, "Clumsy little brat."

"This can't be. Peter always spoke highly of his uncle," Bucky said recalling all the times Peter talked about his uncle, always wishing his uncle was still there.

"I think the memories were always like this. Peter wanted to believe he had a good life so badly he tried to make it true," Tony said with a sigh.

*** Three***

"I'm gonna be a police officer, Peter," A man said to the teen year old child who was wrapped up in a blue blanket. Peter smiled as the older man put his police officer hat on Peter who laughed grabbing it to look closer at it. The man waved before walking away with two other officers.

"It's the hat," Natasha said plucking the hat from the ten year olds grasp, shooting a bullet through it. Peter was no longer laughing, instead crying into the blanket as NSFW magazines coated the floor. The man was no longer an officer, instead a man being dragged away by two officers.

"26 year old Skip Westcott molested the 10 year old Peter Parker. Skip was the young boys babysitter for two years, and we don't know how long Skip raped Peter," a nearby officer said into her walkie talkie. Her eyes widened as she saw the magazines, grimacing at the sight. The young woman grabbed Peter's hand, walking him far away, giving Peter her hat. 

"I think I'm going to be sick," Bruce said staring at one of the magazines, holding his mouth like he was fixing to puke. "No one should do this to a child."

*** four****

The Green Goblin dropped the young Gwen Stacy, her lifeless body being caught by Spider-Man. The crying Spider-Man held her close to his chest as the Green Goblin flew away, his cold laughter filling the air.

"That's already bad," Wanda said grabbing a piece of webbing that floating into her grasp, tearing it apart to reveal the true memory. In this one, the Green Goblin was right beside Peter on the ground, When by herself. Gwen took a deep breath, jumping off by herself, still dying.

"That's so much worse!" Wanda said burying her face into Vision, all the dark memories getting to her. The dark memories actually were getting to all of them, because these were just the major ones. But that meant there was so much more. Peter was abused by his uncle, raped by his babysitter, his parents fought a lot, his girlfriend commuted suicide. That was a toxic life that anyone would try to forget. And to top it all off, everyone died.

"That's all of them, let's get out of here," Sam said because the memories weren't shifting anymore. But shadows wrapped around the walls, making the scene of a bathroom where a bottle of alcohol shattered on the ground. A woman sat dead on the bathroom floor, as Peter screamed, shattering the bottles all around him in anger and disappointment.

But one bottle Peter found was full. Peter stated at it, before taking a drink sitting on the bathroom floor. Not caring about anything anymore. Peter drank it all in one long gulp, his eyes drooping from the effects of the alcoholic beverage.

"Hey, baby boy, are you here?" A voice said knocking on the bathroom door. Peter threw the bottle at the door, it shattering like everything around him. The door opened to reveal the messed up face of Wade Wilson who looked around the room, focusing on the fragile boy who was drowning down another drink. "Oh no, Petey, don't do this. Don't be like them."

Wade knelt down to face Peter's eyes, taking the drink from the minor. Peter stated at the bottle as it moves away, wrapping his arms around Wade's neck, sobbing into his neck. Wade just kept patting Peter's back, his shirt getting severely wet from the tears.

"Wade, I want to die right now," Peter whispered so quietly Peter barely heard himself with his super hearing. But Wade heard, and he hated what his lover said.

"Let's go do something else then," Wade said picking Peter up, walking away from the dead May Parker. Wade called the police about what appeared to be another suicide for Peter.

"That's..." Rodney couldn't say anything about what they had witnessed. The life of Spider-Man was horrible, one filled with ups and downs that no person could be expected to live through.

***outside world****

"He's awake, but he doesn't want to talk to anyone," the doctor said taking the helmets back. Tony just stood up, going into the room, leaving the Avengers behind to talk to the boy with the broken memories.

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