Court Of Law

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Bear with me about this court knowledge. I barely know it, 'kay? I'll try to make it accurate, but I'm also changing some stuff for plot convenience. Keep the nitpicking about how it should have happened to yourself, okay?

Also, all the Avengers love Peter. Also I included Stucky because someone asked for it!! Oh, and there's suicidal thoughts.


Tony Stark was sitting back on his couch in Avengers tower just watching TV with everyone else. Well, Steve and Bucky were sneaking kisses and Wanda was reading, but mostly everyone was watching the television.

Tony's phone went off to a number unknown. Tony sighed as he answered it, not knowing what to expect. Only a select few people had his personal phone number, so he was curious as to who it was.

"M-Mr. Stark? I-I need a lawyer," A small, very sad voice of Peter Parker came through the phone. "She's dead, Mr. Stark, and they think I killed her."

"What. Who thinks you killed who?" Tony said catching everyone's attention. Who in the world was Tony saying that to?

"The government. Or the state. Maybe just the police, I don't know. All the evidence is stacked up against me, Mr. Stark. They think I killed Aunt May," Peter's voice cracked as tears came down his face again.

Tony let that settle in for a moment. That meant May Parker was dead. That meant Peter Parker was orphan. That meant Peter Parker was going on trail for the death of May Parker. That meant someone was fixing to get hurt.

"Okay, kid. Uh... I'll be at the station with a lawyer in a few minutes or so. Hang tight, bud, okay?" Tony said hitting the "End Call" button on his phone. With everyones attentions still on him, Tony asked FRIDAY to get Pepper Potts-Stark saying it was an emergency.

When Pepper came from the elevator, she gave Tony a look that said 'this better be good'. Tony just gestured her over and told her plus all the Avengers something. "Peter B. Parker, the kid I know you all love, is being put on trail for the death of May Parker, is aunt and last relative."

That got the Avengers angry. First, who would kill their last relative? Second, how would Peter, of all people, do it? Sure, Peter could hurt men, but only because they refused to give up whatever crime they were doing. But to kill his Aunt? Peter would never even say a bad thing about her. The only things Peter said about his Aunt was that she was his hero, along with his Uncle Ben.

"I know, you guys don't like this. So, Pepper, get my best lawyer on the case. And FRIDAY, find out everything you can on the case, dates, people, juries. Everything," Tony said to them all.


Peter couldn't help but sob. He knew good and well he was an orphan. But he could get a lot of jail time if was proven guilty. Which, of course, Peter was innocent. Peter would never hurt his aunt, much less kill her. If Peter wouldn't kill rapists and murderers, where would he find the strength to kill his aunt?

But Peter sobbed for more reasons than that. His last relative was gone. Aunt May wasn't coming back. Peter was on his own, and that stung. He felt his chest burned while his heart settled into the cold. His mind raced as his blood ran still. Everything was so vibrant, yet Peter couldn't see a detail. He was stuck in a state of somewhere between life and death. And at this point, Peter didn't care which way he went.

The lawyer walked in, her suit a nice shade of Navy. She spoke softly to Peter, coaxes him to give information, but not pressing to deep into the wound. The woman knew that the land she walked on was a thin sheet of ice. But if she made a wrong step, she wasn't the one going to drown.

Peter tried his best to answer the questions. A few made him sob uncontrollably, but he managed to get a lot of them. But then came his alibi. Peter couldn't tell her she was out Spider-Manning, but Peter didn't have any other excuse. So, Peter told her. The truth of where he was.

The lawyer, though surprised, already knew that if she told a soul, her career, and inevitable her life, was over. Tony Stark was a powerful man, in business and politics as well as a hero. One wrong word comes out of someone's mouth, and they might as well have made a death wish. The woman knew all this, of course. But she didn't know how to spin this lie either.

All she did was tell Peter court was starting tomorrow, and that she would do everything in her power to prove his rightful innocence. She also informed him that Tony had pulled enough strings to allow Peter to stay in a heavily guarded room with the Avengers. Not at Avengers tower though.

Peter followed the guards to the room, his tired state affecting him greatly. Everything that had happened was just exhausting. But when Peter walked in the room, he couldn't stop the sob that came out as he crashed into Tony's awaiting arms.

"It'll be okay, Underoos. If your innocent, which we all know you are, then everything will go accordingly so," Tony said trying to comfort the teen who appeared so small in his arms.

"But she's gone, Mr. Stark. I'm the last Parker standing. I'm all alone. What am I supposed to do now?" Peter said in Tony's shoulder. Peter never thought about what would happen if Aunt May had died. Peter thought that he'd been through enough. He thought fate would just have some mercy. Maybe he'd became a scientists like his parents. Get a nice house, maybe marry his true love, pass his name on to some kids if she wanted to. But now he didn't know what he was going to do. Peter didn't know if he wanted to move on. Peter was fine with dying, he never feared it happening to him. Maybe that's what his fate was. Everyone who loves him to die and then him.

"Kid, I'm not sure why I have to say this. You're coming to Avengers Tower. We all love you. Heck, you've gotten Natasha to smile in less than five minutes. I'll adopt you with Pepper if I have to, " Tony said shaking his head with a slight smile.

"Really?" Peter said quietly. Of course, Peter wanted to live with Tony and Pepper. He already saw them as mom and dad, but what if they died as well? What if Peter just had terrible luck?

"Really," Tony said. The older man knew it took a lot more than Parker Luck to kill him. He had faced assassins, super soldiers, gods, the Hulk, and so much more. A teen from Queens wouldn't be what killed him.


The next few days were hectic to say the least. The lawyer of Peter worked her butt off to make a good case, and she was succeeding. Even with all the evidence stacked against Peter, she was able to manipulate it to her favor. The jury responded better to her kind but quick witted words to the DA's rude and unsettling remarks.

In the end, the Jury pleaded Peter Benjamin Parker not guilty of the murder of May Parker.

Peter was adopted by Tony Stark fairly quickly because when a god, two super soldiers, two assassins, two SHIELD operatives, two very powerful scientists, a witch, and at least four people who were once in war are at your doorstep, you tend to speed up the process any way you can.

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