Peter and the Mouse

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*someone gets lost, someone cries. Peter has no powers. Stony.*

Peter Stark was the happiest six year old in the world the very moment he stepped onto the happiest place on Earth, Disneyworld. The Stark family, aka Steve and Tony and their son, Peter, along with the original Avengers, had gotten to go to Disneyworld because they were the Avengers plus Peter.

"Dada! Papa! What will we ride first!" Peter cheered jumping up and down which knocked his Mickey Mouse hat off. Natasha picked it up and set it back on Peter's head.

"Hold on, buddy, me and Papa are trying to figure out this map," Tony said confused. Soon all the Avengers were helping Tony and Steve with the map. Because of that fact, none of the Avengers saw the six year old get distracted and run off.

"My IronDad senses are tingling," Tony said looking up and into the distance. Tony started looking around for his son, but Peter was no where in sight. The Avengers decided to split up to find their favorite child.


Peter was chasing a butterfly until he got horrible lost. Peter looked around, but all he recognized was a castle in front of him. "Papa? Dada? Aunt Nat?" Peter called out his chin starting to wobble.

Soon, Peter was crying and all the pedestrians around him didn't stop. That made Peter even more sad that no one wanted to help him.

"Well, hey there, buddy. Why are you crying?" A mouse came up to Peter. It was Mickey Mouse! Peter looked up with his tear stained cheeks.

"I-I lost my Dada and Papa," Peter said his voice shaky from all the crying he did.

Mickey Mouse took Peter's hand. "How about we go to the last place you saw them?" Then, Mickey Mouse guided Peter back to the entrance where Bruce was.

"Uncle Bruce!" Peter ran up to the scientist who picked up Peter. Bruce hugged Peter tight and sent a text to the Avengers.

"Thank you," Bruce said to Mickey who just waved and went back to his job. Soon all the Avengers were there, and Tony and Steve told Peter not to wander away without them again. Peter just hugged them tighter.

Although it didn't start out that way, all the Avengers had a great day and soon a great week at Disneyworld. Peter didn't get lost again.

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