Who Helps the Heroes

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Part 2 of Who Helps In the Darkest Hour

The Avengers did various tasks around the living room including talking and playing card games. Some energy was missing in the room, but few Avengers noticed anymore that Peter wasn't there. The spiderling had been like that lately, never being in the same room as one of them for long.

"Sir, Peter is on a bridge," FRIDAY called referring to Tony. Tony stood up quickly ready to call on the suit, but FRIDAY started playing a video feed.

The image was of a girl ready to jump, not Peter. The girl and Peter, who was Spider-Man at the moment, sat down on the bridge talking. When Peter started to relate to the girl about dull feelings, all the Avengers were paying attention.

"He's lying," Natasha said gesturing to the breathing pattern and heart monitor the screen displayed. "Not about the dull feelings, but about when they were. My guess is that there happening now."

The Avengers nodded as they listened longer. Peter explained what people thought of him, and his beliefs about what they said. Natasha explained he was lying again when he said he was done believing that.

The next thing that happened was Peter and the girl coming down. They heard Peter's sigh as the girl hugged her parents before he swung away. Coming into an alleyway, Peter took off his mask, allowing the Avengers to see his face. Peter wiped blood off his lips before he sighed yet again.

Tony was already gone and landed behind the teen. Peter didn't notice, which gave Tony some satisfaction that Peter's Spidey sense didn't see him as a danger.

"I'm proud of you, Underoos."

Peter turned around a blush coming to his cheeks. "Oh! Um... That, Mr. Stark! It's eh... easy to lie, I guess."

"Those weren't lies, kid. They were the truth. Natasha can testify," Tony waved off what Peter said with his hand.

"Not that. It's easy to lie about smiles and laughs. It's rather easy for me to act, I suppose. I guess I can really spin a web of lies. But lately, it became harder," Peter said.

Tony let out a sigh as he realized the kid was right. Him nor the Avengers had noticed how much Peter was hurting to the point of the spiderling being numb.

"I'm sorry, kid. We didn't notice at all. But we want to now. And we're willing to help," Tony said lifting his arms up.

Peter looked at them for a minute before figuring that Tony was giving him a real hug. Peter hugged the man before tears slipped down his cheeks. Tony just ruffled the Spiderlings hair.

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