I'll always forgive you

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Because their one shot book is amazing even if it needs some part two

**Sad. Peter is an Avenger. After Civil War but everyone made up. Gore, death, violence. Thor is not there, and Bruce is in the helicarriar.**

Peter Parker, or Spider-Man as he was now, didn't know what to think when the Avengers looked at him with their eyes glowing red. Spider-Man backed away, hitting the elevator of Avengers Tower.

The Avengers stood up, in their super suits, and turned towards Spider-Man who was ready for whatever would happen. Spider-Man figured they were being mind controlled, but he wouldn't fight them.

Steve threw his shield, which Spider-Man caught and threw down on the ground. Spider-Man shot some webs to take Black Widow's guns and Hawkeye's bow.

Spider-Man was soon fighting off Black Widow and the Winter Soldier. Spider-Man was barely winning, but Peter took that chance to web them to the wall while he dodged repulser blasts. Spider-Man shot a web at Iron Man as Scarlett Witch started to move objects to hit him. Spidey sense kept making Spider-Man dodge the objects as he webbed up Falcon, Vision, Hawkeye, Ant Man, Wasp, and War Machine.

Spider-Man started to do hand to hand combat with Captain America who seemed like all he knew was violence. Spider-Man would not hit Captain America, though, instead just playing defense. Spider-Man was barely injured, but he kept fighting.

Scarlet Witch tried to hit him with more objects until she tried to free the webbed up Avengers, who were anger. Peter felt sad because it seemed like they were mad at him. Spider-Man finally webbed up Scarlett Witch, giving Captain America the chance to get his shield.

Captain America shot it at Peter's back, and not even Spidey sense made him fast enough to dodge. Spider-Man slammed into the ground rolling onto his back. Captain America picked up his shield and started hammering down hits on Spider-Man's heart and head.

Spider-Man yanked off his mask to reveal poor, little Peter Parker. Peter with his big, brown doe eyes filled with pain instead of hope. His mouth not in his cheery smile instead being a straight line with blood dripping down. Instead of his baby like skin, he had bruises and scars from the fight that gushed with blood. But out of his lips came something that snapped the Avengers out of their mind control daze. "I... will always... forgive you."

Just like that, Peter's eyes closed and his head lulled back. Steve shot back up in horror at what he had done. The Avengers tried to get out of the webs to comfort the man, but they were stuck. Steve just looked at his shield. Once it represented freedom, honor, and patriotism. Now, it dripped in Peter's blood, being nothing but a reminder to Steve.

Bruce came through the elevator, and started to put things together. Bruce put a hand on the hunched over soldier's shoulder and Steve let a few tears be shed. Then, the pair worked to free everyone. Their weapons laid scattered covered in the blood of the most hopeful and innocent Avenger who just wanted to help. He didn't even fight back.

And he forgave them. That child, who had so much life yet to live, forgave them.

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