Little Shorts!

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Steve: Guys, I lost Tony in the crowd.

Peter: Don't worry I got this. *yells* I HATE PETER PARKER!!

Tony: *flies above the crowd in his suit* Who said that so I can feed them some repluser!

Steve: Found him!


Tony: *standing over the ashes of Wakanda* KID, HOW IN THE WORLD DID YOU MANAGE TO DESTROY ALL OF WAKANDA!!!??!!??!

Shuri: The memes are strong in this one.


Shuri: *does something stupid*

Peter: Wakanda nonsense is that?


Peter, in a dark room wearing a blank blanket: Mr. Snuggles, I am your father.

Tony: *walks in, casting light on Peter and a stuffed bear with lightsabers* really, kid?

Peter: But, Mr. Dad!!


Peter: The force may be with you, but the memes are with me. *holds out his hand, his phone comes to his hand*

Ned: wow.


Peter: I mean it's all done, daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadadadadadadadadad *starts tap dancing with jazz hands*

Tony: ?


Peter: Mr. Stank, can you sign here?

Tony: when'd you meet that guy?

Peter: what guy?


Groot: I am Groot

Shuri: I! Am Groot.

Peter: I, I am Groot.

Everyone else: what are they taking about?

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