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** Suicide Attempt. Don't Do Suicide!!  I'd say you could talk to me but my PM doesn't work...**

Peter Parker stumbled into the bathroom as his suit was bloody and ripped. He took it off, just looking at his injured form in a mirror wearing an under shirt and his under-shorts.

The words of his attacker swished around in his head, hitting key emotions and doubts he already had. Peter looked into his own eyes using the mirror, finding only a broken, fragmented spark.




Waste of breath

Waste of space

A pitiful excuse for life

A murderer

The voices buzzed in Peter's mind growing louder and louder. They swirled into his emotions he tried so hard to bury and forget. Tears clouded his vision as he fumbled for some webbing that would work like a rope. Peter didn't know why he knew how to tie it right, Peter didn't know how he could do it while tears streamed down his eyes.

Peter walked into his room to scribble a note that just repeated the lines of "I'm sorry" with the ending being of a goodbye and how life would be better. Peter took the note and his desk chair to his room. He placed the note on the counter, as he stuck the webbing noose to the ceiling.

Peter grabbed the edges of the noose as he stepped onto the chair. His vision focused on the webbing that shimmered in the bathroom light. Tears of sadness, pain, and even relief fell down his cheeks.

Peter took deep calming breathes as he stomach churned. His throat tightened and his breathing was becoming quick. But after those calming breathes, Peter felt a strange peace come over him in waves. Peter didn't want to do this, but he knew it needed to be done.

Because Peter was done with the fake smiles and laughs. Peter was done with the questioning of his own worth. Peter was done with the guilt and sorrow burdened on his heart by the cruel mistress of fate.

As Peter moved his leg to step off, as blood dripped around him from the wounds he had yet to clean and bandage, as Peter had given up on hope of leaving that bathroom alive, the door opened.

"Hey, kid, we're watching a mov-" Tony Stark stopped. He was looking at the ground where he saw blood and the IronSpider suit balled up in a puddle of the blood. His vision moved forwards until he saw the chair. Looking up quickly, he saw a sight he wished he never had to see.

Tony saw Peter all bruised and bloody standing on a chair with his hands wrapped up in a noose of Peter's own making. Tony saw the tears running across his face, but his eyes shone with a clarity that revealed pain, truth, and guilt. Tony saw a child he thought of as a son fixing to take his life. And Peter was stepping forward.


Tony rushed forwards catching Peter before the noose did it's work. Tony held the sobbing boy as they sunk down into one of the puddles of blood. Tony was trying to shush the boy who kept saying he was sorry.

"Hey, Tony-" Steve said walking in. The sight he was met with was puddles of blood, a chair under a webbing noose, and a sobbing Peter in Tony's arms.

Steve ran out in an instant to get Bruce. Steve quickly explained with the Avengers following Bruce to the bathroom. Bruce walked in to see Peter who was silently crying. The Avengers crowded the doorway taking in the unpleasant sight. Bruce motioned for Wanda to do a magic thing, and Peter was asleep in Tony's arms. Steve carried the almost lighter than air child to the Medbay were Bruce cleaned, bandaged, and stitched some wounds. Bruce was happy to report none of the injuries were self-inflicted.

Peter woke up later with Tony sitting beside him. Tony didn't say a word about the incident, instead focusing on talking science with Peter. The teen was silently crying as he answered the questions, but they were quick and not well discussed.

Soon, Tony asked why. Peter was forced to explain how he thought he was responsible for all the people he loves deaths. Peter also told Tony about the nightmares and his PTSD from Toomes, a villain Tony didn't know about. Peter told Tony about the extra training he did and the meals he missed and nights he hadn't slept. Peter explained he was tired and wanted it to be over. Peter even said how he still wanted it to be over. When that mumbled comment was said, Tony rushed to hug the young Parker. Peter at first did nothing, but soon he crashed into the hug, letting out tears he didn't think he had.

The Avengers were watching through a monitor and hugging each other. They were glad Peter was safe, but they didn't know how they could be so stupid not to realize that Peter was in more pain than them. They didn't see the extra work the youngest member did so that he could prove himself.

In the end, Peter was constantly being checked on by everyone. They forced him to eat properly, which his stomach had to get used to, and to sleep a good amount every night. Of course, Peter never actually got rest because of nightmares. But Tony was helping the young boy along with Natasha and Bucky. Peter admitted he took care of he's one wounds, but Bruce still made him come to him after patrols. Peter was better.

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