Final Chapter

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Peter stood up as the Infinity Stones circled around them. Peter was looking around, watching them spin faster and faster, but he finally just focused forwards.

The stones slowed down, glowing brighter until they became six huge doorways, each into a different color tinted world. Peter swallowed as he approached the first door, the red one. Peter stepped inside to the world with a red tint.

Peter pushed himself against the wall as a hospital bed ran past him with doctors in the black plague masks. No one was on the cart, at least not at that moment.

Peter walked down the hall, ignoring the little girls that stared at him as he walked past. They didn't say anything or move their necks, but their eyes followed him all the way down the hall.

A red haired girl stood behind what Peter could tell was one way glass. The other side of the glass was six ballet dancers performing for three little girls on their knees. Behind Natalie was a blonde wearing a black dress, exactly like a ballet headmistress. The blonde lady was telling Natalie that she was graduating.

The image shifted to Natalie on the hospital bed, the doctors pushing her forwards past the girls. Peter ran behind them, trying his best to keep up and save Natalie. But when Peter pushed open the doors to where Natalie was, all he saw was Natasha in her SHIELD uniform with the dagger sticking out of her.

Her pale face turned to the side, her eyes still closed as she began speaking. "All your fault..."

Peter turned around, being faced with the doors again. Pushing aside the weird event that just happened to him, Peter went through the next door, the one that led to an orange tinted world.

Peter was on a battlefield. People laid scattered, dead and some even dismantled. Some had their eyes open, shining with an undead fear, others had them closed as if shielding themselves from the misery.

Tony stood amongst it all, his hands grasping something. His Iron Man suit was torn to bits, shattered beyond anything recognizable. Just scraps of red metal with gold framework on his body.

In one hand, his hand that wore an Iron Man glove, held onto the top half of Captain America's shield. It was squeaky clean, shining in the orange based light. It was like the beginning of the Avengers Intuitive, proud and bold without any problems.

The other hand, with just his human hand, held the bottom of the shield. Dirt and blood clung to it making the shield unrecognizable. Just like the end of the Initiative, broken and unsettling.

Peter looked around, trying to find the other Avengers. But they weren't there. It was just innocent civilians who were dead. The reason Tony wanted the accords to happen so badly. So this didn't happen.

Tony turned to face Peter, his eyes dead and cold. Tony shoved the broken shield in Peter's hands, and started to speak. "All your fault..."

Peter turned, back in the pitch black room with the six huge doors. Peter took in another breath, as he went into the yellow door, ready for whatever was coming.

Peter was in a bar. People were dancing, and people were fighting. Laughter and drinks being smashed rang in the air, joy and rage very much present.

Thor was beside Peter, looking just as surprised by everything as Peter was. Thor stumbled past the different people who just touched him, giving a chilling laugh as they did so. Peter followed Thor, happy that the people left him alone.

A dark skinned man looked at Thor, a drink in one hand and ladies in the other. The man didn't speak, but he let Thor see his eyes which looked to be blind. Thor went backwards in surprise as the man threw his drink at Thor.

Thor looked at Peter as the bar went up in flames around them. People screamed in agony and pain as they became smoke. Everything was gone in the yellow tinted world. Thor spoke, "All your fault." Before pushing Peter into the flames.

Coming out, Peter was in the same world. He coughed the smoke out of his lungs as he stumbled into the green tinted world.

All of New York was in ashes as a scream echoed in the air. Destruction reigned, as fires licked the buildings, the streets were flooded, lightning cackled in the bitter heat.

The scream belonged to a monster of green skin that looked so vibrant in the green tinted realm. The monster slammed on the streets of New York, making Earthquakes in his wake.

The monster screamed before picking up Peter. Peter felt his lungs burst under the impact of the Hulk's fists. The Hulk growled, low and deep. The Hulk gestured around to all the destruction before speaking, "All your fault." 

Then Peter was thrown into a building. Instead of crashing into the building, Peter was back in the room. Peter moaned in pain as air filled his lungs again. He didn't want to move, but he found himself heading into the blue door.

It was gala tinted blue. Men in war uniforms and women in dresses walked together in the room. Some moments they were dancing, other times fighting or arguing.

Amongst the crowd, Steve looked around, as if trying to find someone or something. Peter just looked around, frightened by the fighting that just turned into dancing as someone passed into his field of vision.

A woman with bright red lips and dark brown eyes grabbed Steve's hands. She smiled, trying to pull him onto the dance floor. But Steve let go of her hands in horror. She turned around again, but she was completely covered in ice.

Everyone was, Peter noticed looking around. Steve was the only one besides Peter that wasn't in the ice. Steve looked around, before his eyes settled on Peter. "All your fault..."

Everything faded into darkness. Peter turned straight around to see the doors. Peter sucked in a cool refreshing breath before stepping into the final door, the purple door.

Peter was on a farm. Clint stood right beside him as they watched the barn go up in flames. Clint then started running towards the house, which was on fire but not completely like the barn.

Peter followed Clint as they pushed past the flames, going up the stairs, and down the hall. Clint slammed open a door, where a woman held three children close to her chest. Clint reached out to get her, but as their two hands met, she turned into ashes that blew away. So did the children.

Clint stood up and turned around. Peter was standing at the doorway, seeing it happen. Clint walked up to Peter, pushing him on the ground in that purple tinted world.  Peter looked up at Clint who said, "All your fault..."

And Peter fell backwards, slamming into the ground of the dark room. Peter sat up watching the red door become the Reality Stone and Natasha. Peter looked around, seeing that happen to all the doors until their was six Avengers behind six stones.

"All your fault!" They all yelled at once, as the stones started making a white circle around Peter. Peter closed his eyes, trying to avoid the brightness.

And when he opened his eyes, he was back on the battlefield. The dead original Avengers surrounded him as Wanda gave him a smirk. "They were right, it is all your fault."

"No, it's not! And Wanda, it's not to late. Come back," Peter argued with her. The Scarlett Witch went rogue, filled with anger. Used her powers to either kill everyone or manipulate them into their fears.

"I don't know how you survived that. I gave you six different peoples fears along with your own. Yet you managed to make it out alive," Wanda frowned unsatisfied with what he had told her.

"Wanda, please," Peter begged trying to break through her pain and anger 5 hat kept her in this state of evil.

"No. Have fun living with their deaths on your hands." And Wanda faded away. Peter didn't know why she had faded, but now Wanda was just as gone as the six dead bodies surrounding him. Peter stood up, walking over them, praying for something better.


"I'm sorry. We don't know if Peter will ever wake up from his coma," The doctor said passing the Avengers. Peter laid helplessly on the hospital bed. Away from their reach.

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