Over Exertion

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Peter pounded on the punching bag for what seemed like the millionth time that week. Sweat poured down him, being uncomfortable in his large and baggy clothing.

Peter was over exerting himself. Peter was skipping meals and sleeping nights to train. Peter wanted to prove to the Avengers he could be a big asset and not just some teen from Queens. Plus, Peter wouldn't sleep anyways with his nightmares.

Peter hadn't noticed how he could see his ribs, but he did notice he was starting to build muscle, which was good. Peter didn't see the bag under his eyes, but he did see the crime rates of New York go down majorly. Peter didn't care much for the bruises and scars that covered him, he only cared for the civilians who wouldn't look the same way as him.

Peter felt light headed than so he stumbled back from the bloody punching bag. He didn't wrap his hands, thinking that a real villain wouldn't let him do that. Now all he saw was the blood dripping from his knuckles as he passed out.

The Avengers, who were doing various tasks in the living room, were told immediately that Peter had passed out. Tony rushed to the elevator with the rest moving slower behind him. When they arrived at the floor, they saw the shirtless boy laying still on the ground. Bruce rushed forwards, checking his pulse and nodding.

Bruce looked at the wounds on Peter, and even felt his stomach. "This boy has passed out from malnourishment, no sleep, and severe injuries."

The Avengers started discussing the various symptoms as Peter started to wake up. The teen coughed before turning his side, muttering something. Bruce forced the teen to stay awake, much to Peter's dismay.

Peter subconsciously explained what he had been doing, resulting in the Avengers to shake their heads. Tony started to tell the boy he couldn't do that. But then Peter started to explain why.

"I was wanted to be a hero, you know. Ever since Iron Man saved me at a Stark Expo. Now, I have the powers. Uncle Ben's final words to me where 'with great power, comes great responsibility.' Now I'm not so sure. I don't even do good anymore. But I thought I could prove myself to the Avengers, y'know? Be as strong, as fast, as smart as they need me to be. And I'm trying real hard to achieve that, but there's no pleasing the people! All they want is more, more, more! Stronger, faster, smarter! I'm trying!! But do they even care that I am? No. You know what, Uncle Ben, you've got it made in the afterlife. There's no one there to push you to passing out," Peter mumbled faintly. It was more like Peter was drunk, or in a state of that, the way Peter was saying it. Especially because he thought he was talking to Uncle Ben.

"Hey, Underoos, it's actually me, not Uncle Ben-"

"Of course it's not Uncle Ben he was shot! And it won't be my parents cause they died in a plane crash. Won't be Gwen because Harry killed her. Won't be Ned or MJ because they died in a car crash. Won't be Aunt May cause she was also shot," Peter huffed gaining consciousness.

"Kid, I know you want to prove yourself to us, but you can't if you pass out, okay? You need to eat and sleep. Can we make that a deal?" Tony continued. While Tony wasn't fazed by the rant, the others were.

Peter nodded and they hugged. Peter was started back on a healthy diet and sleep, even if almost every night was a nightmare.

Moral: Don't over exert yourself. Also, don't do what other people want at your own health. Stay healthy, be loyal. Don't compromise.

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