Peter of the Galaxy

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* Groot may cuss, but there's nothing I can do about that*

Peter looked at the giant robot that reminded him of the Power Ranger's mega bots. Spider-Man sighed as he charged at the bot with the Avengers around him.

Unfortunately, the bot threw Spider-Man high up in the air where he landed on a huge metal ship. And because Parker Luck doesn't have good timing, Peter passed out before he could explain.

***** Later*****

"I am Groot," A voice spoke to Peter who groggy got up from his rest.

"Hello, I'm Peter Parker," Peter said understanding the tiny tree person that stood on his chest.

"I am Groot?" The tree asked and Peter officially thought he was hallucinating.

"Yes, I understand you. Why? Do some people not?" Peter asked concern for the tree baby.

"I am Groot!" The tree baby, maybe Groot, cheered moving around in a circle shaking his hips like he was dancing.

Peter laughed at sat up, catching the baby tree as it fell into his hands. Another human and a green lady Peter was instinctively scared of walked in. Peter didn't feel Spidey sense but the lady had an aura like his Aunt Natasha.

"I see you've met Groot. My name is Peter Quill, and this is Gamora," The man said referring to himself and the green lady.

"Hey! My name is also Peter! I'm Peter Parker," Peter smiled at the man. The lady had a hint of a smile on her face, and the man broke out into a grin.

"Were Peter buddies!" Quill laughed. Gamora rolled her eyes, but still had some hint of a smile on his face.

"I am Groot," Groot said moving his bark fingers from his eyes to Quill who put his hands up defensively.

"Don't worry, Groot. We will always be first friends," Peter reassured the baby tree setting Groot on his shoulders.

That's when a raccoon, a peach lady with antennas, and a gray skinned man with red colored tattoos. "That's Rocket, Mantis, and Drax. We're the Guardians of the Galaxy."

"Well, I'm Peter Parker, the Spider-Man the neighborhood," Peter said sitting up straighter. Peter only just now noticed that they took off his mask.

"I am Groot!" Groot said raising his hands above him like he was showing off some muscles.

"You are not," Rocket said pointing at the tree baby. Peter laughed at Groot as he pouted because he didn't get to be king of the universe.

"Well, Quill crashed the ship after seeing you land on his ship so come explore with us, Peter," Gamora said. Quill and Rocket went to fix the ship and the rest of them walked outside. Although there was an atmosphere, there wasn't water and the gravity was a lot lower. Peter and Mantis instantly started jumping up and down trying to go higher. Groot would pop up a little as Peter went up, but he kept returning to Peter's shoulder.

Gamora and Drax just watched intently, Gamora smiling at the scene and Drax pretending to blend into the shadows. "I! Am! Groot!"

"You're flying? I'm the one flying!" Peter laughed at his new friend. Mantis stopped jumping and looked at Peter.

"May I feel your emotions?" Mantis asked. Peter shrugged letting her touch his hand. Mantis let go quickly. "So much pain hidden in a happiness."

Peter nodded and started jumping again. "Sounds about right." Mantis started jumping as well, not noticing Gamora's frown.

The ship was repaired and the Guardians took Peter back to Earth. They promised to meet up again. They even made Peter an honorary member, which made Peter happy.

"I am Groot," Groot said sadly.

"I'll miss you to, buddy. We'll see each other again, I promise!" Peter hugged the baby tree. Groot hugged back and the Guardians left.

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