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Peter paced the bathroom, looking around frantically as if something was going to come at him whenever. His breathes were coming out rapidly, and his vision was becoming dizzy. Sweat and tears kept coming slowly as Peter gripped the edges of the sink. Peter looked up into the mirror, seeing Gwen right behind him.

Peter turned around, finding no one. But his hand still wrapped around a shampoo bottle that he launched at the mirror. Upon impact, the mirror let out a shattering cry as its pieces fell to the ground and into the sink. The shampoo bottle also dropped making a hollow noise as it slammed against the tile.

Peter looked at what he did, and started sobbing as he fumbled out the bathroom to where his dad was.


Tony was talking to the Rogues and the other Avengers happily. Everything had gotten worked out a few weeks ago so everything was just about perfect.

But when his son stumbled into the room from the hallway no one was allowed down. Tony instantly left the living room.

The Avengers watched as Tony hugged a sobbing teenager they had never met before. "I'm sorry, Mr. Stark! I saw her again and I just threw it. I'm sorry..."

"Hey, bud, it's okay. We can replace whatever you broke, okay? But you have to tell me what happened," Tony whispered surprising the Avengers with his calm but emotional response.

Peter calmed down, with minimal tears coming down that Tony wiped away. "I saw her again. In the mirror. I knew she wasn't there, but I grabbed the shampoo and threw it. The mirror shattered and... I'm really sorry, Mr. Stark."

"It's okay. It was just a mirror, 'kay? Nothing to worry about at all. Let's go take your medicine then we'll watch a movie with Pepper," Tony said ruffling the boy's hair before they went into the kitchen, away from the Avenger's curious gazes.

A few moments later, Pepper came in through the elevator. She looked at the Avengers and sighed. "Peter is Tony's adopted son. Peter is also Spider-Man so he has PTSD. His PTSD manifests itself in hallucinations that Peter has trouble making from that and reality. So Peter has to take medicine."

"He's Spider-Man? From Germany?" Steve asked, cursing himself for what he did.

Peter walked out of the Kitchen with Tony following behind him. Tony stared at them all saying, "Let's just watch a movie, okay?"

The Avengers just nodded getting situated in the living room. Tony sat on one couch with Pepper leaning on his shoulder and Peter curled up in his side. Few minutes into the movie and Peter was asleep.

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