I don't know what sick you meant

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What type of sick did you even mean?

I also looked up panic attacks, and apparently your mind can go completely blank and you focus on seemingly stupid tasks. So I included that in here.


Sometimes, you think you know a person. You think you know their favorites and least favorites, you think you know where they go during the afternoons.

But other times, like what the Avengers are soon to find out, you don't truly know a person.

Peter P. wasn't the common type of sick. He had a sort of sickness that gave him lucid dreams. But the dreams were always about nightmarish monsters so Peter developed separation anxiety. The little five year old would have panic attacks if he was away from his mother and father, Tony and Pepper Stark.

That night, Tony had scheduled a fun little party for all the Avengers and then some. But Pepper got called out to a meeting, so Peter was left with Tony. The man didn't mind, he just made sure that Peter couldn't hear them when he went to sleep.

The funny thing was, Tony really wanted to introduce Peter to everyone. But it was Peter's bed time so Tony wasn't going to force him to be up later than he needed to be.

The party went off without any problems. Sure, Tony was probably the only one not drinking, but that didn't mean he wasn't having a good time. He kinda enjoyed seeing everyone with a slight buzz to them.

But Peter woke up downstairs in a cold sweat. He fell out of his blankets that reminded him of being held by the monster. The darkness of the his room was making noises that scared him. He wanted his Dada.

Peter ran out of his rooms, tears clouding his vision. He stepped into the elevator, and hated how the walls seemed to close in like the mouth of a predator. Peter didn't want to be the prey, he didn't want to!

When the doors opened, Peter was breathing in to quickly. He couldn't remember anything, his mind was completely blank. He was trembling, and he didn't know his own name. Peter opened his mouth to scream, but nothing happened. Tears ran down his eyes, as he tried to look for the tiniest thing of familiarity.

That's when he saw it. It was a baseball cap with MIT on it. Peter couldn't remember who wore it, but Peter knew that it was very important.

Peter shoved his way through the crowd, ignoring the nausea setting in his stomach. Peter wiped away tears as his skin went pale. But he finally made it to the baseball cap.

"Peter?" A voice said behind the boy who was kneeled down. Peter looked up to see Tony who just picked up the sobbing five year old. Tony just rocked the kid back and forth until he was asleep.

"Who's that, Tony?" Natasha asked once the music was off. The room turned towards Tony and the child wrapped up in his arms, still clutching Tony's old MIT cap.

"Oh, I wanted to introduce everyone to Pepper's and my son, Peter, but you guys showed up after his bedtime," Tony smiled. "Peter has a type of sickness that gives him lucid nightmares every night. There doesn't seem to be a cure even though I've been working very hard on one."

"So that's why you haven't come out of the lab lately," Bruce pointed out as the realization clicked.

"Yeah. Well, because of Peter's dreams, he has developed separation anxiety and has panic attacks. I would have to guess when he woke up, he tried to find me or Pepper. But when he couldn't, he tried finding something that reminded him of me, my old MIT hat," Tony finished up.

"We didn't know," Steve said. He frowned as he listened because he never pegged Tony as a father, much less a good one. But maybe he was wrong, maybe everyone was wrong.

"Why didn't you tell us? You could have joined the dad club," Scott whined from the side. It was no surprise Clint and Scott were happy for Tony, and they even respected him more for having a sick child.


The next day, Peter acted as if nothing happened. He giggled at Tony's acts that the Avengers never saw before. Tony made silly faces, had weird voices, and even juggled to keep his kid laughing. Tony made pancakes and helped Peter eat them. The Avengers were just left speechless, helplessly watching.

"Okay, Peter, why don't you introduce yourself while I clean the dishes?" Tony whispered to the boy. "I'll be right in the kitchen, okay?"

Peter nodded shyly, not exactly wanting Tony to go. But Peter took in a deep breath and turned around with a big smile. "Hi! I'm Peter Stark! It's very nice to meet you all!"

"He sure is Pepper's kid," Natasha laughed. "Hello, Peter, my name is Natasha Romanoff. But that's a tongue twister so you can call me Nat."

The rest of the Avengers introduced themselves, and Peter remained calm and happy. When Tony walked out, Peter ran to hug his legs. "I did it, dada! I did it!"

Looking around, Tony gave a huge smile. "You did do it. You talked to people without me or Pepper! I'm so proud of you, bud."

Peter just grabbed Tony's hand and pulled him away to the living room. Tony laughed and went there to, pulling out Legos for the child to play with.

"Tony, this child is special, you better not mess it up," Natasha threatened, playing Legos with them.

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