The Avengers Being Dumb

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*so it mentions cheating with a minor, but that isn't what happens*

The Avengers excluding Tony were talking to Pepper in the kitchen. Clint was the main one talking with everyone nodding along. "Pepper, we're very sorry to tell you, but we caught Tony cheating on you last night with a minor."

Pepper looked confused before her eyes slid over to Tony and Peter walking out the hallway in their pajamas. Peter wore his "I survived" shirt and hello kitty pajama pants while Tony wore plaid pants and a white shirt.

Pepper was instantly laughing her butt off making everyone confused. They hadn't noticed the emergence of Tony and Peter, so they didn't know what she was laughing at.

"Was it him?" Pepper pointed at Peter. The Avengers nodded and looked sad. They didn't like Tony cheating on Pepper, and they definitely felt pity.

"Guys! That's Tony's intern who he won't admit is like a son to him. Peter is like Tony's son, as is the other way around. But Peter has nightmares that Tony checks up on him because occasionally Peter stays over. Sometimes Tony accidentally falls asleep while helping him. I don't care," Pepper said with a slight smile.

That's when Peter walked in blabbering on, with Tony just nodding behind him. Tony got some coffee before kissing Pepper's cheek.

"So, anyways, Mr. Stark, Aunt May wants me to go on one of the scholarships, but I can't just leave her here, you know? There's a lot of crime in New York, even with Spider-Man, so how can I leave her? And what happens if she gets sick or injured? It's better if I stay here and go to a college here," Peter said absent mindedly as he fixed breakfast. It was pancakes which he made a lot of.

"I told you before, Underoos, you should go to whatever collage you want to go, not what you think is best for your aunt. I appreciate your selflessness but some times you have to put yourself first. And you need a good degree to run Stark Industries one day," Tony sighed, rolling his eyes.

Peter just hummed as he finished. "Anyways, when will the Avengers be here? Did I make enough pancakes? Will they like me? Is my breath okay? What about my first impression?"

Tony laughed as he turned the kid around. The Avengers all waved awkwardly, and Peter went red as he hid behind Tony. Pepper laughed as she pulled out him, giving him a side hug. "Everyone, meet Peter Parker, the next CEO of Stark Industries."

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