Return To The Magic

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For Stan Lee. We may not be gods, but you were close.


The old man walked down the street without anyone batting an eye towards him. No one knew he had the powers of reality and time itself. No one would ever know how many people this man has fabricated just for their safety. No one would ever know how special this man was because he hardly stayed in one place at a time.

The man rounded the corner with a smile decorating his face. The man felt happy and proud even though he felt death coming before the mistress did herself. The man stopped under the silver moonlight. The street empty until a swinging vigilante dropped down. A man in a suit came down his chest alight with blue. Two agents dropped down, one with a gun, the other with a bow. A large green man came out of a rainbow with a golden haired, hammer wielding man. A man wearing a red, white, and blue suit jumped jumped off his motorcycle with his metal arm friend. A panther stepped out of the shadows as a space ship landed. More heroes emerged from their respected spots.

"Oh, my dears, it's my time. Even if I don't live on, I promise you that you will live on," The man said wanting to comfort the heroes who became like his children.

Instead of becoming dust, the man became tiny little balls of golden light that floated towards each hero. One tiny ball entered their hearts, or arc reactors, and before they knew it, the man was gone.

Stan Lee, the hero with the powers of reality and time, the only man capable of defeating all the heroes and villains of Marvel, his world, had returned to the magic.

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