Something I wanted to Write

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The Avengers were huddled in the elevator, that was tightly packed and playing terrible elevator music. It was one of those scenes you can't imagine heroes being in, but sometimes they are.

When the elevator doors opened, they didn't expect to get almost him by a figure in red and blue. This figure close to hitting them, but instead he swung forwards.

On the other side of him was a man with this big gray mechanical wings. Spider-Man seemed to be fighting this vulture of a man.

Spider-Man himself looked like Hell. His makeshift suit was torn almost everywhere, with blood dripping from him in the broken glass. The Avengers guessed that Spider-Man and his enemy entered by smashing the window.

Spider-Man was thrown down, so he rolled towards the Avengers, getting glass stuck in him. The enemy smirked. "Ready to give up, Pedro?"

"Only when you are," Spider-Man said jumping up to his feet with a slight sway. Spider-Man webbed the walls using them to sling shot himself forwards to the enemy. Spider-Man landed on his back and muttered something as he pulled out a glowing blue ball of energy. Toomes kept bucking like he was a bull at the rodeo.

The villain screamed in annoyance as his wings fell with a loud bang on the ground. Spider-Man just held the ball of energy that Tony and Bruce recognized immediately. It was an unstable energy source and they didn't know what it could do. They screamed for Spider-Man to drop it, but instead Spider-Man clenched it in his fist.

Blue light raced up his arm, covering his body in a cocoon. When the blue light wore down, Spider-Man was in a new suit. One that was metal, but still blue and red. Spider-Man looked at his hands with a laugh, seeing as he gained a new suit from the Vulture's power source.

Spider-Man webbed up the man, seeing as his wings could no longer set him free. Spider-Man walked towards Toomes to take him to the police, but passed out in doing so. Bruce was the first to react, picking up the light weight teen and rushing to the medbay. Tony followed Bruce, leaving Steve and Bucky to take the vulture to the cops down at the tower doors.


Peter woke up with a bright light piercing through his unconscious. It hurt Peter at first, but his eyes settled. Peter looked around to find himself in a medical room, with something obnoxiously beeping.

Two men walked into the room, gesturing to a spider symbol one held in his hands. Peter started to internally freak out when he recognized Tony Stark and Bruce Banner.

"Well, good morning, Underoos," Tony said using a nickname he had come up with. Peter was confused, but he realized he wasn't wearing a mask.

"Oh shoot!" Peter said as he realized he wasn't wearing his suit at all. He was in some medical clothes that was like a dress. Tony and Bruce laughed.

"We won't tell anyone your identity, Peter Parker," Bruce said going over the medical files. "Anyways, I have to say you are quite remarkable. Not only can you heal at fast rates, you are more or less 50% spider."

Peter laughed at that. "I guess there's a reason I'm Spider-Man." 

"You were also able to survive the force of an alien power source. That source would have killed anyone else, but not you," Tony continued.

Peter shrugged, unsure of what had happened. All he was doing was fighting his latest villain, Vulture. The man had stolen resources that belonged to Stark Industries, resulting in him stealing other things. This caught Peter's attention, meaning Spider-Man vs. Vulture had begun. It was by pure chance that one of their fights ended up inside the famed tower of New York.

Tony just nodded. "We'd like to continue doing tests. It should only take a week or so. You're more than welcomed to stay at the tower with us. Maybe we can see if you'd make a future Avenger."

"That'd be awesome!" Peter smiled.


Over the next week, Peter had been Peter. And by that, one would mean Peter had made everyone love him. He was a ball of energy, and he had a curiosity of a child. He could compete in any discussion, from ridiculous to emotional. He helped Natasha and Bucky with their nightmares, worked with Bruce and Tony in the lab, cooked with Steve and Wanda, discussed books with Vision, explained things to Thor, played video games with Clint and Rhodney, and practiced fighting with everyone.

But Peter was the best with Tony, who started treating Peter as a son. It was a slow transition from Peter being a fan to an almost son, but it was noticeable after awhile.

When Peter had to go, a few Avengers contemplated kidnapping the teen. But they settled down after Tony said Peter would be there on the weekends. Peter was sad to go to, but not just because he loved the Avengers like family. But also because he didn't have a family. Or a home. Or food sometimes. That's right, Peter was homeless ever since May died.

When Peter came over on weekends, the others noticed his tendency to eat small portions of food, yet Peter ate frequently. Peter would fall asleep in the lab frequently as well. Peter would shrug off anyone who asked about it politely.

But as winter came, Peter started to have it worse. Some times, he'd pass out for days without waking up. Peter was visible getting weaker, and his visits to the tower became less frequent, seeing as Peter could barely get up. Spider-Man hadn't been seen in awhile either.

With all that happening, the Avengers noticed and started to worry. They went out on a search, with Tony and Steve eventually finding the unconscious teen in a cardboard box that would do nothing against the snow and cold.

Tony carried Peter to the tower, having FRIDAY scan for injuries. The only thing she came up with though was malnourishment and early stages of hypothermia. Bruce was able to fix the hypothermia, and he gave Peter an IV.

To be Continued....

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