The Avengers See Tony's Soft Side

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No one was in the lab when Sam walked in looking for a drink. He knew Tony always had his mini fridge stocked with drinks, so he decided to get one for himself. But when Sam looked at the drinks, all he saw was orange juice and water.

Where was Tony's drinks?


The Avengers were in a meeting when Tony's phone went off. Tony eyes who called him before a grin spread across his face. Tony picked up the phone and started talking, "What's up?"

There was some murmur on the other side of the phone which made Tony start laughing. "Okay, I'll be there in a few minutes. Try to stay conscious!"

Tony clicked the phone off laughing and shaking his head. Tony collected his belongings and left, ignoring the looks the others have him.

Sam grabbed the cup Tony left, and smelled it. "Guys, this is orange juice."


Steve stated at the fridge in front of him. The reason for this was because there was a drawing pinned to the fridge. It wasn't bad, but whoever drew it wasn't the best artist. On the picture were the initials P.B.P. Steve didn't know anyone with those initials.

When Steve asked Tony about it, Tony only replied by saying the kid thought he was the next Van Gogh.

Who was the kid?


Wanda was looking through the movies. Instead of finding R-rated movies she assumed Tony would watch, she saw Disney, Pixar, and Star Wars movies.

Wanda looked through the movies to make sure the right movies were in them. They were.

Wanda just shook her head in confusion. Maybe she had depicted Tony the wrong way.


Clint walked down the hall in the middle of the night. He was thirsty, so he got himself some water. But as he shuffled down the hall, he stopped at an open door.

The room inside was mostly dark, but Clint could make out Tony and someone behind him sitting on the bed. Clint thought the room was abandoned but maybe he was wrong.

"Hey, kid, breathe with me. In... Out... In... Out," Clint heard Tony. Clint thought Tony was cheating, but he realized Tony was helping whoever was in that room with their breathing.

"Thanks, Mr. Stark," The other person said. That person laid back down and after a few minutes, Tony walked back to the door. Clint jumped back, hiding himself. Tony closed the door silently before walking towards his own room.

Who was in that room?


A few Avengers were in the living room when the elevator opened to a stranger in a hood with sunglasses on. That prompted the Avengers to attack.

Natasha dove for the man, but the man slide under her, flipping up Steve's shield to his hand. The stranger moved the shield forward, to flip Steve off his feet.

The stranger kept catching Clint's arrows, before Clint found himself in some sort of webbing. The stranger flung the shield outwards, it knocking Sam out.

The stranger jumped up to the ceiling as Wanda tried to move him forwards. The stranger just did front flips on the roof before webbing Wanda up.

The stranger jumped down, as Natasha started to attack the stranger. She was winning at the moment, but the stranger was holding his own. The stranger finally webbed up Natasha.

Tony walked in then, looking around the room. Tony sighed his eyes landing on the stranger who have him a sheepish grin. "Glad you can hold your own, Underoos."

That's what caught the Avengers attentions. Underoos was that Spider hero in Germany. Tony slung an arm over the strangers shoulder, leading him away.


"Okay, Tony, who the heck was that stranger?" Steve said. All the Avengers nodded in agreement.

Tony looked around. "Oh, him? That's Peter, his my personal intern."

"I think he's more than that," Steve raised an eyebrow. "You allowed him on this floor, Clint said who helped him with breathing, Wanda pointed out your collection of movies, and Sam hasn't found a single ounce of alcohol here. Pepper even told us you've been sleeping and eating like a normal person."

"So this kid has changed me for the better, so what? Shouldn't you guys be happy about that?" Tony said walking out of the room.


Peter was sitting at the counter doing some homework. The Avengers flittered in at that moment. Natasha had an idea, and went over to the teen.

"Hey, I'm Natasha Romanoff. Can I ask you some questions?" Natasha said to the teen.

"That's okay with me, Ms. Romanoff," Peter smiled sitting his pencil down to give Natasha his attention. "And I'm sorry about the other day, I shouldn't have attacked."

Natasha smiled at that. Natasha started asking questions like where Peter lived (Queens), where he went to school (Midtown Tech), who he lived with (his Aunt May), and how he knew Tony.

"Oh, Mr. Stark? One day he came to my apartment to say I had an internship. That was awhile ago, so we've become close. I know his favorite drink is actually orange juice. Surprising, right? I also found out he loves Disney, but that's because his best memories with his mom was watching Disney movies. Every Friday we watch one. You guys she join us today! It'd be really fun," Peter exclaimed.

"Uh... Sure, we'll join," Natasha said continuing to ask questions. Peter kept answering honestly, and Natasha soon liked the boy. He was funny, sarcastic, confident, and smart. He was a goofball with a lot of energy.

The Avengers listened along, finding themselves liking the talkative boy as well. Soon Tony came out and Peter waved at him. "Mr. Stark, can they watch the movie with us?"

Tony ruffled Peter's hair making the teen giggle. "Sure, kid. Go build the fort, I'll get the movie."

"He acts like a dad," Clint said. Peter blushed while Tony rolled his eyes. But everyone else realized Clint was right.

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