Relationship Advice from THE Tony Stark

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chloeh928 because Tony gives the "best advice"
** Tony will imply something but Peter will counteract that**

Peter sat daydreaming about the woman of his current dreams. Tony kept trying to ask Peter for something. After a long time, Tony finally asked Peter what was up.

"I need relationship advice, Mr. Stark," Peter said nervously. He didn't want to sound clingy or be a burden, but Mr. Stark was the closest thing Peter had to a dad. 

"Like are you trying to hav-"

"NO!!! I just want to ask her out. Geez, Mr. Stark," Peter shook his head sighing. He should've known Mr. Stark wound do something like that.

"Well, just ask her out. If she says no, you guys weren't meant to be and now you can find you true love. If she says yes, you can give it a shot and see if she's the one," Tony came up with on the spot.

Peter nodded, finding reasoning in his words. If this girl was the one she would say yes. "Thanks, Mr. Stark. I'll ask her out tomorrow."

"First, it is Tony, kid. Second, tell me how it goes," Tony smiled at the hopeful teen who wanted love.

"I'm not sure your ego needs it, Mr. Stark," Peter laughed as Tony gave him a look. Tony soon smiled because you can't stay mad at Peter for long.

[Unless his last words were literally "I'm sorry" ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]

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