The Realm

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Inspired by the Nutcracker And The Four Realms, but not entirely so. There's just a few things here and there that link.

A fourteen year old Peter Stark was decorating the Christmas tree with his father, Tony Stark. Tony was telling Peter the young teen's favorite story, the one about how Tony helped save the realms. Monsters were attacking, and Tony was forced to align himself with five other people to defeat the creatures. After that, Tony and one if the people, a man named Bruce, used science to create another monster, one that they needed the help of two twins to defeat, Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. But all fell to pieces when Tony clashed in battle with one if the originals, Steve Rodgers.

"You see, we each founded a realm, and became the realms of SHIELD. But there was another realm known as HYDRA. That was the group that held Steve's friend Bucky captive. Bucky was rescued by Steve. We all had a fight over Bucky, and more importantly, over a force known as the Accords. After our final battle, I fled here, to the this world, where I found the love of my life, Pepper, and then we had you," Tony finished the story. He always acted as if it was real, but Peter knew that it was just some silly story.

"Will I ever get to go to the Realms?" Peter asked looking at Tony who was holding an ornament. It was shaped as an "A" with a metallic silver on it. Tony said that it was forged right after the first battle of the story, where all those who helped called themselves the Avengers.

"Oh, my dear Peter, I would love nothing more than to take you. But my time is running out, and you will have to venture there yourself," Tony shook his head, standing up before handing the ornament to Peter. "Don't put this one on the tree."


Fifteen year old Peter Stark was at his adopted grandfather's Christmas party. Peter didn't want to go, still mourning the death of his father. But his mother, Pepper Stark, insisted that he go. And Peter didn't want to disappoint his mother, no matter how sad he felt. The death was over half a year ago, Peter needed to have some fun.

Nick Fury, Peter's adopted grandfather, was speaking to a party guest Peter remembered was named Maria Hill. But Nick stopped the conversation when he saw Peter, gesturing the teenager over. "Peter, my grandson, how are you?"

"I miss Father, but I can't let that get to me, can I?" Peter said with a smile as he saw Nick smile a bit as well. Nick knew about something that Peter should know. And thankfully, Tony had instructed him to do it on Christmas Eve.

"Well, there's something your father wanted to give you. Upstairs, down the hall, seventh door on the right. Go inside and head towards the closet. You will know what to do next."  Peter had no hesitation as he bounded up the steps, wondering what his Father's last gift to him would be.

When Peter got to the room, it was completely empty. But the moonlight came in through the open window, casting silver light onto the wooden closet door. Peter walked up to the door, the floorboards creaking under his weight. In the door was a crevice, shaped exactly like an "A". Looking closer, Peter realized it was in the exact same shape as the ornament Tony had given a year ago.

Peter pulled the A out of his pocket. Peter had never left it behind since Tony's death. It reminded Peter of Tony, something Peter found hard to do these days. But as Peter inserted the ornament into the door, the action started a glow to appear from under the door. Peter opened the door, the bright light overcoming his enhanced senses.


"Hello? Are you okay?" A voice asked startling Peter. He opened his eyes to see a woman only slightly older than Peter looking down at him. She had a reddish brown colored hair with brown eyes that looked into his own doe brown eyes. She wore a red dress with a weird red headpiece.

"I think he's awake, Wanda," A different man said walking up to her. These man was definitely older than them both, with his blonde hair and green eyes. He wore a purple suit with a bow in his hands and arrows over his shoulder.

"Wait- Wanda? As in Wanda Maximoff?" Peter asked confused. The young girl jumped back, surprised this unknown man knew her name. The other guy, Peter guessed was Clint Barton from Tony's old descriptions, had an arrow aimed at Peter's head now.

"Wait!! My name is Peter Stark, my father told me about you. But they were just stories," Peter said realizing the stories his father and told him were, in fact, true. 

"Tony? Where is he? How is he? He actually had a kid? Where did he go?" Clint asked lowering his bow at the name if his former friend. Wanda was also shocked, seeing as all the Avengers had close relationships.

"He died, half a year ago or so. He came to my realm, and he met my mother. Her name was Pepper Potts at the time. They got married and had me. My father always told me stories about these place... Where's Steve Rodgers!? And Bruce Banner! And Natasha Romanoff? What about Thor and Rhodney and Sam and... Whatever happened to Bucky?" Peter asked.

"Rhodney became the new king of Tony's realm after we couldn't find him. Bucky took refuge in a different realm, the one of Wakanda. Steve, Natasha, Thor, and Bruce are all ruling their own realms. I actually had Wanda here, along with her lover Vision, take over my realm so I could spend time with my family," Clint gave the run down of what happened while Tony was gone. "But Tony was only gone for a year."

"I guess time works differently here," Peter shrugged realizing that, although strange, Wanda's headpiece was a crown. Wanda helped Peter up using the magic Tony said she was gifted with.

"Come, we'll take you on a tour of the realms!" Wanda cheered setting Peter down carefully, turning to walk down the road. Clint nudged Peter forwards so that he could be the one in the rear.

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